Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 29 of RepairVite / Whole30 / Making the Cut

A little disappointed in the scale today. I had dropped down another 2 pounds last week, but they came back this week, and stayed there this morning. I wonder if it could be partially from dehydration - I did not drink my typical 3-4 liters for the past couple days while running around for Josh's party. However, I did have a realization today while I was working out and noticing how much leaner my legs looked in the mirror: yesterday, I was wearing a pirate costume with a skirt for 5 hours or so while running around Josh's birthday party. Since I've always had a bit of a thigh rubbage problem, when I wear skirts, I always either wear leggings/spandex beneath or apply a healthy layer of deodorant to prevent stickiness. However, I was in such a rush to prep for the party that I didn't think to do either preventative measure, and I never even thought twice about it! No rash today! Less thigh rubbage!

When I woke up, I was still full from my second helping of pot roast last night. I usually pop a couple pieces of beef jerky before heading to the gym by 5:30am, but no need today. Had a solid night of sleep, and a great workout (even if I didn't do all by burpies. Hate those so much).

Had a check-in with the chiropractor today. He told me I have all kinds of bad stuff going on in my gi tract based on the testing I had done. There are definitely signs of inflammation, some kind of less common parasite hanging out (maybe from pets?), and some kind of less common yeast/fungi issue (most likely from mold exposure), and signs of low stomach acid which decreases my absorption of nutrients. And I'm too low on healthy bacteria, and too high on bad bacteria, including of H Pylori bacteria DNA which can cause ulcers (although, thankfully, it's not active currently - apparently, about half the world has it lurking in their gut). So, lots to fix in my gut. So, not surprisingly, I've got some new GI Synergy supplements to take which are supposed to kill off the bad guys so that the healthy stuff can thrive (see my updated list of supplements below - it's getting long!). 

After I return from vacation, he wants me to start a new 21-day regimen which typically follows RepairVite called ClearVite. It's a protein shake that's packed with a bunch of other good stuff that's supposed to help me detox. It also has a strict diet - basically the RepairVite diet, except no beef at all for all 3 weeks. NO BEEF!!! And poultry and fish are only allowed during the 1st and 3rd weeks. Otherwise, pretty much all the protein comes from the shakes (ramping up to 3 shakes/day during the second week). I'm not too excited about this. And I need to figure out when I'm going to do this since I'll be leaving for my annual Girls' Weekend only 18 days after getting back from Disney, which would cut the program short. So I'll probably hold off on this program until after Girls' Weekend (not to mention that my liver will definitely need some detoxing after those couple days! <grin>). If I start on the Sunday I return from Girls' Weekend, the 21st day will be our next FitAthlon, which is followed by a big cookout that I fully intend to enjoy (mmmmm brisket and pulled pork)! Close enough.

So, here's my planned timeline:

  • 8/12/13 - 9/10/13 - 30 days of RepairVite/Whole30/Paleo AIP (Autoimmune Protocol) - almost done!!!
  • 9/11/13 - 10/12/13 - Paleo (not AIP) including eggs, pork, and nightshades (provided they don't bother me). Probably some liquor in there too during Disney, Girls' weekend, and a couple work happy hours. Have to figure out low sugar mixers.
  • 10/13/13 -  11/2/13 - 21 days of ClearVite (reintroducing beef/pork on day 21 for lunch/dinner)
  • 11/3/13 onward - Paleo lifestyle, avoiding my allergens of gluten, dairy, tapioca, coffee, amaranth, and tree nuts.

Brian and I checked out the new CrossFit box in town that we're going to join at the end of the month for a 30-day trial. We had a long chat with the owner about the CrossFit philosophy and what kind of work outs to expect. I'm excited - I think we'll like the challenge, and I'm looking forward to seeing some big changes in my physique by lifting heavy. He mentioned a pretty good discount if we commit to 6 months of membership, which we're torn about. We'd like to see if we do actually like it first, but if we're not among the first 50 members to sign up, then we miss out on the discount. We have to make up our minds before we leave for Disney because they're having an open house on Sunday and will likely get more sign ups then.

I went a little crazy tonight. I put paprika on the sweet potato fries. OMG, a nightshade!!! Is it a coincidence that after a few nights of solid sleep, I did wake up at 2 last night? Hmmm... 

  • Breakfast: 
  • Lunch:
    • chicken leg on the run
  • Dinner:
    • steak
    • sweet potato fries
  • Snacks:
    • white nectarine
    • watermelon
    • baby carrots
    • beef jerky
    • 2 pieces of my daughter's kettle corn - for shame!!!! 
  • Day 21 of Making the Cut ~470 calories (intentionally stopped at 10 burpies instead of 20, and skipped the squat thrusts since I forgot how to do them, but later realized that I inadvertently skipped the pyramid leg extensions and scorpion push-ups. Oops. Still got a good workout.)


I loaded up a pill box with 2 weeks' worth of pills to try to make life a little easier now that there are so many pills (especially while on vacation next week). It's kind of bordering on ridiculous... I'm putting a lot of faith (and money!!!) into this "investment in my health." I have to keep the box in the fridge since the probiotics need to stay cool. 
  • X-FLM (supports TH-2 immune response): 1 pill 2x/day
  • Strengtia (probiotics): 1 pill 2x/day
  • GI Synergy (cleans up gi tract): 1 packet of 3 pills 1x/day
  • EPA-DHA (Omega 3 fish oil): 2 pills 2/x day
  • D3 (supports immune system & absorption): 2 drops 1x/day
  • B12 (improves energy & digestion): 10 drops (1mg)/day
  • RepairVite (heals leaky gut): 1 scoop 2x/day

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