Sunday, September 29, 2013

Day 5 of ClearVite Protocol; 4th CrossFit workout

Wow, passed the 20# weight loss mark this morning! Down 20.5, even! Getting so close to ONEderland... Only 2# to go! I will definitely get there before the end of this ClearVite program!!!

After my nice nap yesterday, I was NOT tired at bed time. But, in order to get the kids to sleep, I had to turn off my Kindle and reading light to stop distracting them, and finally drifted off to the sound of "Bring sally up, And bring sally down, Lift and squat, Gotta tear the ground" over and over in my head... I woke up around 5, sandwiched between two babies, and remembered that I am supposed to read Dan Brown's Inferno by my next book club meeting on Friday, so I downloaded a copy and read for an hour before dozing back off until 9:10. Yes, my daughter and I slept until 9:10 (after kicking out my son who woke up a bit earlier). Felt soooo nice.

this cracked me up:
if I'm going to get into
the tall socks craze,
I'll have to find these
I woke up to find that Brian put on the babysitter for Josh (insert Disney Jr show) went off to the 9am CrossFit WOD, so I resolved to make it to the 10am WOD so we could compare notes since I am not nearly as sore from yesterday's workout as I thought I'd be - maybe eating Paleo helps with recovery. I sucked down my shake, but didn't have time for any other breakfast (missed my last chance for breakfast sausage for a week! Boo!). Got the kids into the minivan and drove the quick 5 minutes to the gym, and waited a couple minutes for Brian to walk out to do a kid swap. He just smiled and wished me luck. ;) Today was the day I'd been dreading: burpee day. Ugh. HATE BURPEES. And that was just the warm-up, in addition to my other old nemesis, mountain climbers! I didn't realize what was in store for me later... Today we focused on overhead lifts, following this video to a tee. By the end, I was getting the hang of the push jerk with 55#, and I felt like I could have done more. The coach assured me that he'll have me pushing some good weight around soon enough - sweet. :) Then came the nastiest part: 3 rounds of burpees, then pull-ups, then 200 meter runs. See the description below. Those effing burpees killed me. And then all the pull-ups. I used a green and blue band together, but should have used more help on this many pull-ups - I had to take a lot of breaks to get through each set, and ended up with a really crappy time. Brian beat me by 3 minutes! Oh well. Just gives me room to improve!

I brought the kids to a birthday party today, and watched them eat all kinds of good stuff, including their treats from a real ice cream truck. Sigh. There was tons of food, but only one thing I could MAYBE eat - some chicken pieces that looked like they had a buffalo sauce, but tasted very bland - not sure what they were seasoned in. But I had a couple pieces anyway. The sight and smell of all that glorious cake frosting really got to me, and I really wanted something sweet and creamy. So, I tried making coconut butter by blending the heck out of the shredded coconut I bought weeks ago. However, our blender didn't seem to get it all the way there. There was some creamy parts, but I could still taste a lot of tiny coconut shreds too. And not very sweet. So, FAIL. I tried to put some into my pumpkin ClearVite shake to make it creamier, but it just froze to the side of the cup. DOUBLE FAIL.


  • Breakfast: 
    • ClearVite shake with rice milk, 1/2 banana, and a handful of frozen strawberries & blueberries
    • fresh homemade turkey sausage
  • Lunch:
    • leftover veggie stir fry with Applegate chicken sausages
  • Dinner:
    • ClearVite shake with pumpkin puree, frozen bananas, and a dash of Allspice - needed more pumpkin and Allspice to really taste pumpkin-y
    • leftover chicken meatballs with pesto over spaghetti squash
    • ClearVite shake with rice milk, 1/2 frozen banana, and a handful of frozen strawberries & blueberries
  • Snacks:
    • 3 pieces of chicken at the birthday party
  • CrossFit - 700 calories in an hour! Worked hard today!

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