Saturday, August 31, 2013

Day 20 of RepairVite / Whole30 / Making the Cut

Team Human Cone
FitAthlon Day! Finished in just under an hour (beginner version of course). Grueling. My heart rate monitor watch kept pausing when my gloves kept hitting a button, so not sure how many calories I actually burned, but I figure it was at least 700. My heart rate was way up there most of the time! The lunge walk went on FOREVER. I will not be able to sit on the toilet for a few days without holding onto something - no doubt. I was proud of myself for not skipping any obstacles though. Started with 30 burpies alternating with push-ups and sprints, then went on to flip some huge tires, climb some 5- and 8-ft walls, drag a chain backwards through a field, push a 100lb wheelbarrow, walk balance beams holding a slosh-pipe overhead...oh, and plenty of jogging in between. And I left a couple things out. We're thinking about trying again in November though! Should be in better shape after a month of CrossFit!

Went over to Whole Foods after the race and stocked up for the week. Got 3lbs of chicken breasts for salads, 2lbs of chicken wings for Chinese Chicken Wings one night, some chicken legs for the kids, some salmon for more of that delicious mango salmon one night, and 2lb of ground turkey for breakfast sausage. We also wanted to the Red Boat Fish Sauce that NomNomPaleo uses so much since Whole Foods is the only local place that carries it, but it was out of stock. Boo. We ended up getting some coconut oil that's a little less coconutty too since we're finding that we don't always want the coconut flavor in our dishes. We missed the Farmer's Market this morning due to the race, so just bought veggies at the store today, along with some grass-fed ground beef and a couple steaks.

Tonight, Brian and I are having a little date night at a semi-private concert by my favorite bluegrass band, The Steeldrivers. Typically, this would be a night where I whip up a batch of fresh margaritas and salsa for us to enjoy. Not so tonight. While I took a little power nap with my son this afternoon, Brian sauteed up some onions and made some guac to top burgers that we could buy at the show. They certainly weren't the nice quality burgers that we've been making at home, but they did the job - we were both starving, so we each had 2! Brian also sauteed up some green beans, and then cut up some peaches with blueberries for a sweet snack later on. So, plenty of food during the show, and all good!

  • Breakfast: 
  • Lunch:
    • Stir fry of leftover beef that I marinated in aminos for beef jerky, squash & zuch "noodles", onions, garlic, and carrot slivers. Didn't have any coconut aminos on hand, so just seasoned with salt, pepper, and a little cumin. Still tasty!
  • Dinner:
    • Hamburger on lettuce with avocado dressing
    • baby carrots
  • Snacks:
    • 1/2 banana after FitAthlon
    • blueberries & peaches
    • beef jerky

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