Sunday, August 18, 2013

Day 7 of RepairVite / Whole30 / Making the Cut

We made it through Week 1! No cheats at all! Very proud of us. I feel great, although Brian was tired today, and even took a nap, which he never does. We're starting to settle into this new way of eating, although it was definitely weird to not eat out even ONE meal at all this week. I think the hardest part right now is finding seasonings we can use. Seems like all the pre-blended seasonings we have always used have forbidden stuff like sugar or some type of pepper (chili, paprika), so they're out. Have to make a trip to the spice store to find something new an exciting. Thank God for coconut aminos though. Use that a lot.

Well, it was inevitable. The scale finally held steady today. I must say that I did not wake up hungry like I did yesterday - I guess that big piece of salmon last night was very satiating. Still secretly hoping to make it an even 10 pounds for the first week. I'm regretting not taking measurements since I'm sure I've lost at least an inch in my belly. I thought maybe I'd take some today for future reference...nope, never got around to it.

I woke up at 5am and thought about going over to the high school track to run some 1/4 mile intervals, but then I thought that sleeping some more would be even nicer. So I read It Starts with Food for a little bit until I was sleepy again, and then slept until 9! Ahhhh, that was nice. According to the 9 factors that the Whole 9 program is based upon, sleep is even more important than exercise. My sleep is almost always sacrificed when I exercise since I like to do it before work, which means waking up at 5am. I guess I have to start getting to sleep earlier. Ugh, the day already goes by so quickly!

When I finally woke up, I sauteed up another pound of turkey sausage that Bri already seasoned for me, ate a couple pieces, and threw the rest in the freezer. Man, I love those! I did some more prep work throughout the day: cut a bunch of veggies and portioned out chopped chicken breast for lunch salads, baked up some more beef jerky (took like 5 hours to bake this time!), and sliced and marinaded some sweet potato fries for dinner. I was so busy doing all the prep that I didn't really eat a whole lot for breakfast or lunch.

We had a delicious dinner; it was a dinner we would have had any night before starting this diet. We actually seldom eat a starchy carb when we grill up dinner - just add some grilled veggies or sweet potato fries, which we've been hooked on for a while. So at least this type of dinner isn't much of a stretch for us. After eating half of my salmon last night, I regretted not taking a picture of it since it was so pretty with the salsa. So I snapped a pic before eating tonight. I'll try to do that with new recipes from now on.

Food: ~1300 calories

  • Breakfast: 
  • Lunch:
    • Mmmm ribeye w/ sauted onions & sweet potato fries
    • Leftover shredded flank steak w/ onions & carrots
  • Dinner:
  • Snacks:
    • Mandarin orange
    • Peach
    • A little beef jerky

  • Rest Day #2, not very active today, worked on Josh's party planning and putting together the pirate ship facade for the playscape for his birthday party
  • Yikes, less than 2000 steps and only 4 flights. So much for an active rest day!

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