Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 16 of RepairVite / Whole30 / Making the Cut

Feeling slightly disheartened today after yesterday's test results showing my intolerance to gluten, dairy, and tapioca. Having a little pity party for myself about all the foods that I love, but should not eat for the rest of my life. When I did the dairy-free thing while nursing my babies for a year apiece (not to mention giving up margaritas during pregnancies!), there was always the light at the end of the tunnel. No light this time, unless my gut does miraculously heal over time and become less sensitive to infrequent, minor exposures.

The monotony of day-to-day life is one thing, but I'm especially torn about what to do during our upcoming Disney World trip. A big vacation without enjoying yummy food?! I did a search on "gluten free Disney" and found tons of web pages with allergen info, which seemed encouraging. I even found a PDF that lists all the foods at all the parks and resorts that are both gluten AND dairy free, including listing the manufacturer of the product - what a resource! And there are a lot of options! However, when looking up the products' ingredients on the manufacturers' sites, almost every gluten-free substitution contained tapioca starch (with the exception of Enjoy Life cookies and Van's Gluten Free Waffles). Not that I really want frozen/pre-packaged treats anyway - I can get them at home if I really want them (which I actually really don't). Sigh.

My doctor mentioned he could give me a product called GlutenFlam which could help alleviate the effects of ingesting gluten if I do "slip up." I'm not sure if "slipping up" includes intentionally having pancakes at the Akershus Royal Banquet Hall Princess Breakfast or IHoP. I wonder if it works for dairy and tapioca too since my body is perceiving those proteins like they're gluten... 

However, he said what I really need to do is make a fundamental change in how I view food (which is also one of the goals of Whole30):
    Eat to live; don't live to eat. 
    Food ≠ joy. 
    Food ≠ reward.
    Get over my emotional attachment to food, and eat solely to fuel my body in the best possible way.
All of these things sound great in theory. Yup. But on vacation?!!!

I figure I have 3 options at Disney:
  1. Just go crazy and eat whatever I want to enjoy my vacation to the fullest (this is obviously what the hedonist in me is voting for), which will likely make me feel like crap and undo all of the de-bloating and gut-healing progress I've made during the 5 weeks of clean eating and supplementation prior to leaving. And then doing the strict RepairVite diet again for 30 days upon retuning to start over again.
  2. Choose to only avoid one or two allergens (probably gluten and most  dairy) which will also probably make me feel like crap and undo some of the progress I've made during the 5 weeks, but allow me to indulge a little and make it less painful to find things to eat while we're out and about every day. And then RepairViting again.
  3. Paleo-cation. Stick it out for the sake of getting healthier, and sacrifice the "vacation treats" food component of vacationing. Boring. And stressful to be vigilant at every meal. But then be able to progress with my journey to health instead of taking a giant step backwards.
Or maybe I'm just feeling extra bummed out because my period started today (which also seems to give me IBS symptoms - must be the hormonal shift wreaking havoc somehow). Sigh.

I'd like to think I can manage option 3 once I can have pork (sausage! bacon!) and nightshades (salsa! tomato sauce!) again. Just having those again will be such a luxury! But I don't know that I can makes any promises about a dairy treat...

Food: ? calories 


  • Nuttin. Slept in a little.


  1. Found your blog on the Surviving the Repairvite Diet FB page. I went to Disney for a week the day after my dx of Celiacs, with coffee/egg/white potato/rice/corn/sesame/soy as cross-reactants. It can be done, I promise! I made little cards to give to the manager/chef at each restaurant. Stick with it, your body will appreciate it!

  2. Regan, thanks so much for the vote of confidence! Wow, that's a lot of cross-reactants. Sorry to hear that. If you can make it through Disney with that list, I'm sure I can too then!
