Saturday, August 24, 2013

Day 12 of RepairVite / Whole30 / Making the Cut

Nearing the halfway point! My second day without hopping on the scale - the impulse won't go away though! Feeling leaner though.

Nothing too remarkable to mention today. No new meals, snacks, workouts, or adventures (oh wait, we did try mustard greens for the first time - spicy! Would be better with bacon...). I seem to be having allergy symptoms lately though - last night and this morning, my eyes were so red and itchy, and I've been sneezing here and there. I don't typically get seasonal allergies, so this is a bit odd...

I've been wondering if getting my immune system and hormones back on track will resolve the following issues I have:

  • eczema patches on my feet that have been flaring lately - I've had them since I was a kid, and it pops up on my legs and arms in the dry, cold winter weather
  • chronic dry, scaly, flaky skin - also a lifelong affliction
  • warts on my fingers - I've tried freezing and acid to no avail. Maybe my immune system will wake up and finally notice them
  • a constant post-nasal drip and irritated tonsils for the last month - I thought for sure I was coming down with strep when I first noticed it. But the soreness and swelling went away, and now I just still have this annoying phlegm in my throat.
We helped the kids roast marshmallows tonight. That was a little painful. All those soft, mushy sugar bombs that melt in your mouth... But we are still (blatantly) cheat-free!

Food: ~1500
  • Breakfast: 
  • Lunch:
    • Homemade chicken salad with avocado and homemade dressing & fresh lime juice 
  • Dinner:
  • Snacks:
    • deli turkey
    • blueberries & watermelon

  • Day 12 of Making the Cut - 520 calories
  • forgot to wear FitBit today. :( 


  1. I am so thankful to have accidentally stumbled upon your blog this evening. You have great ideas and resources! Today is day 1 of repairvite 15 day and then the clearvite protocol. I look forward to the results, feeling stronger, and sleeping soundly!
    Cheers! BTW 40 is the new 30 or so they said last week when I turned 40! :)

  2. Mia, I'm so glad you stumbled upon it! I hope I can give you seem ideas to get through the program! Good luck to you!

    I don't know if I'll be doing ClearVite as well. I do know that I'll be going to Disney world a week after finishing my 30-day RepairVite program, and my diet will be taking a sharp turn that week as I enjoy my vacation (not sure my doc will be too pleased about the rapid reintroduction of possible allerens)...but I plan to "go Paleo" once we get back.

    And 40 is DEFINITELY the new 30! ;)

  3. Hi Becca,
    I also just happened across your blog when searching for RepairVite recipes. I'm on Day 7 (1 week down, 5 to go), so I'm looking forward to hearing more about how you're doing on this plan. Good luck and thanks for the information!

