Saturday, August 17, 2013

Day 6 of RepairVite / Whole30 / Making the Cut

And another one gone, another one gone, another pound bites the dust! That's 9 pounds in 5 days. Almost back to where I started before going on my vacation ice cream binge! Phew.

Today we split up and got the shopping done a little more quickly. I went to our local farmer's market and bought beef from the farm where my sister works: Burke Ridge Farms. Their Angus beef isn't 100% grass fed since it's pasture raised and supplemented with hay and silage grown by the owners. But it is all-natural, with no antibiotics or hormones. And it's a little cheaper than the New Boston Beef we got last week, which apparently does the same type of feeding, even though I thought it was 100% grass fed when we bought it. After all, you can't raise cows on grass in CT when there's no grass in the winter! Brian went over to the Ellington Farmer's Market and stocked up on produce (our daughter gets $2 off produce with their kids club!), and then went over to Stop & Shop to get some other staples. No trip to Whole Foods today - found lots of organice produce at Stop & Shop. 

I couldn't resist a couple bites of forbidden watermelon today - so tasty! I'm torn on this. According to Dr. Al Sears, although watermelon has a high glycemic INDEX, its glycemic LOAD indicates that it should not have a big impact on insulin levels. It seems like the RepairVite diet drew a line at anything above 50 on the glycemic index and forbid it, desptite its glycemic load. For rapid weightloss, Mark says the "Primal Sweet Spot for Effortless Weight Loss" is between 50-100 grams/day on his Primal Blueprint Carbohydrate Curve. So, I don't want to eat too many fruit carbs... I don't know what to think. I guess I'll continue to lay off the melons and bananas and ask the doc at my next appt.

For lunch, Brian grilled up grass fed beef burgers with an avocado dressing wrapped in romaine lettuce leaves. He tried cooking it more on the medium side than well since it's supposed to be more nutritious that way, but he got distracted for a minute, and they got overcooked. Oh well, still crazy tasty! Hardly missed the usual ketchup, cheese, pickles, and a bulky roll!

For dinner, we did something crazy. We tried SALMON. We are not a fish family. I've never really liked any fish, and Brian really only eats fish & chips drowned in ketchup. So we were really going out on a limb here. But guess what - he found a great recipe and his execution was DELICIOUS!! The salmon was fried in coconut oil until it was nice and crispy and flaky, and the mango salsa was so sweet and flavorful. Yum!

Food: ~1300 calories (can't believe I'm not hungrier!)
  • Breakfast: 
    • last 2 little pieces of homemade turkey sausage - gotta make more tomorrow!
    • leftover shredded flank steak
    • strawberries
  • Lunch:
    • grass fed beef burger with an avocado dressing wrapped in romaine lettuce leaves
  • Dinner:
  • Snacks:
    • baby carrots
    • peach

Exercise: 45 mins/450 calories burned
  • Rest Day! Exercised vicariously through the P&G Gymnastics Championships - I won box seats in our company's charity auction to see the  Jr. Women. So impressive!
  • 4600 steps; 12 flights. Lazy rest day.

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