Thursday, August 15, 2013

Day 3 of RepairVite / Whole30 / Making the Cut

Wow, another 3 pound loss since yesterday! That's 6 pounds since starting! No wonder I've been pissing like a racehorse. ;)

Started off the day by jogging my favorite 3 mile route this gorgeous cool, dry morning. Took about 32 minutes, which might be my best time yet. Felt good despite having some soreness in my hammies and butt from my previous 2 workouts. This was the first time in a while that I ran continuously instead of doing intervals of 3 minutes jogging and one walking, which is supposed to help me improve my 5K time since I should be able to get myself accustomed to jogging a little faster in those intervals after resting while walking. Maybe it's working! 

Had no problem sticking to the diet. Still amazed at how NOT HUNGRY I am! And I'm definitely noticing that my guts feel better. No weird gassy feelings or bloating. Love it.

I was on my feet all morning, running around doing stuff for the kids. When I laid down with my son to put him down for a nap, I did get drowsy after a little while. But, instead of indulging in a nap, I decided to get up and play with my daughter instead of leaving her alone watching a movie. Still need to work on getting enough sleep at night.

Had to do some more shopping since we were already starting to run out of staples. Had a coupon at Stop & Shop for $10 off $100, so figured I'd stock up on Nature's Promise antibiotic- and hormone-free boneless chicken breasts. There was another variety that was also free range, but it was a couple bucks more per pound. However, one package was marked down to be even cheaper than the non-free range, so I grabbed that one. Bonus! Also ran over to Sam's Club and roamed the aisles to see if there was anything good, and was a bit shocked to find a giant tub of organic virgin expeller-pressed coconut oil. Score! We've been going through our little bottle of coconut oil at a somewhat alarming pace, so good to know we can get more for cheap! Brian also picked up a couple more bottles of coconut aminos at the Vitamin Shop since we already killed a bottle of that too (mostly for the beef jerky). One thing is for sure - this diet is not cheap. Although we aren't going out to eat at all... 

Food: ~1200 calories

  • Breakfast: 
    • homemade turkey sausage. Hubby mixed it up, but I think he omitted the sage and cinnamon from this recipe, and added some fennel instead. Then I fried them up in coconut oil, and added some garlic salt and fresh ground pepper on top while they were frying. YUM. 
    • 1/2 red grapefruit & a peach
  • Lunch:
    • Leftover chicken stir fry with lots of veggies
    • Baby carrots
  • Dinner:
    • Chicken drum sticks using just EVOO since I'm off dairy right now
    • Green beans that were steamed and then sauted up in the yummy sauce that was left over from browning the chicken legs. I powered those bad boys down before even touching my chicken! Even my son ate them!
  • Snacks:
    • A few grapes
    • A piece of chicken breast
    • More baby carrots before dinner

Exercise: 45 mins/525 calories burned
  • 32 mins jogging without intervals, walking warm-up & cool down
  • 12,600 steps and 14 flights - busy day!

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