Friday, August 23, 2013

Day 11 of RepairVite / Whole30 / Making the Cut

Well, the Whole30 authors warned that it would happen during days 8-15, and it did! I had my first "food dream" last night. I found myself eating some peanut butter Girl Scout cookies, and then suddenly realizing, "WAIT! I CAN'T HAVE PEANUT BUTTER!" Apparently the fact that I was eating a COOKIE was irrelevant. Brian's food dreams started a few days ago. Last night he dreamt that he was at a social event of some sort, being very careful about his food choices, and then all of a sudden, a huge pilsner of beer was in his hand, but half of it was gone, and he was shocked at how that could have possibly happened. This is somewhat strange since he's not a big beer drinker. I, on the other had, have been known to eat en entire sleeve of pb Girl Scout cookies in one sitting if I wasn't strong enough to simply NOT order them. What's really funny is that the authors specifically mention Girl Scout cookies in their warning. Very suspicious. What is in those things?! I haven't had one for months!

I felt pretty good at the gym today, despite only having slept about 5.5 hours or so. My hip is feeling much better, but not 100%, so I skipped the sprints today that messed it up to begin with, and instead did 30 second intervals on the stair mill between level 9-12. I walked on my toes to focus on my quads, and they were buring by the end of those segments! And my heart rate was plenty high, so I'm going to call that good. On the way out of the Y, I registered Brian and myself for the Halloween Fun Run 5K, and also registered the kids for a haunted 400M obstacle course, which I think they'll really enjoy.

Today was "lunch out" day at work again already, so I schlepped my salad over to Chipotle's again and sat around while the guys ordered food. Although this time, I got a side of their delicious (and perfectly legal) guac to eat with it. Yum. And then...I don't mean to get too graphic here, but...after lunch, I had a bit of cramping and chills followed by quite the "cleansing." Maybe all this coconut oil caught up with me today? Oof. Moving on... 

Brian's mom had dinner waiting for us tonight when we came by to get the kids. When I dropped them off this morning, I saw a bag of coconut flour and some coconut oil on the shelf, so I had no idea what to expect. She said we would be her guinea pigs! Turns out she'd been thinking about the same thing I'd been thinking about making: breaded chicken tenders dipped in coconut milk, covered in coconut flour and coconut flakes, and sauted in coconut oil. Did I mention coconut? They were delicious.

Food: ~1800 calories (I seem to be eating more lately!)
  • Breakfast: 
    • homemade turkey sausage
    • My son helping to bread
      the chicken. Mostly naked.
      Probably violates some
      sort of health code. Oh well.
    • 1/2 grapefruit
  • Lunch:
    • Homemade chicken salad with avocado and homemade dressing
    • A side of Chipotle's guac
  • Dinner:
    • Pan fried coconut-breaded chicken
    • squash, zuc, carrots, onions sauted in coconut oil
    • Baked sweet potato
  • Snacks:
    • homemade beef jerky
    • strawberries
    • leftover piece of chicken before bed


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