Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Day 2 of RepairVite / Whole30 / Making the Cut

Still going strong! And feeling triumphant since the scale showed a 3 pound loss this morning! Yes, I'm sure it's all water weight, but it sure makes me feel a little better about the 10 pounds I gained over the last 3 weeks! And yes, I know the Whole30 plan says not to weight yourself for the entire month, but I just don't have that much self control. 

Took a while to pack my lunch this morning. Definitely need to prep more the nights before I have to go to work. Got to work very late after dropping the kids off at daycare...oh well. It was a little tough not to take a bite of their buttery "square breads" like I always have. Mmm, that nice, warm, chewy ciabatta... Although I'm finding it harder to give the kids crappy wheat products now that I don't want to eat them (thanks Wheat Belly!). I may start weaning them off wheat too, although I don't think they'll like it...

Again, really wasn't hungry all day. Even after working out this morning, I wasn't ravenous for breakfast. Finally had breakfast around 8am, some fruit around 11 more out of boredom/habit than hunger, and didn't have my salad for lunch until 12:45. Then I had 2 hours of meetings at 1, so I came back to eat the rest around 3. In the past, I'd be starving for a snack around 10, and ravenous for lunch again at 11:30. Big difference.

I did have some little headaches that came and went today, and I'm never one to have headaches. Sugar withdrawals? I seldom have caffeine, so it's not that... Hubby was having headaches too that seemed a little more severe, but he's determined not to take any drugs for the 30 days. Tough guy!

Food: ~1650 calories

  • Breakfast: 
  • Lunch:
    • Chicken & Avocado salad (same as Day 1, but added some carrots this time - looked too green yesterday)
  • Dinner:
    • Turkey cutlets and kale sauted in garlic & coconut oil. First time eating kale. I'm not convinced yet. Maybe it needed to be cooked more. With bacon.
  • Snacks:
    • Peaches, strawberries, blueberries (again, should probably have more veggies)
    • Homemade beef jerky made with coconut aminos
    • I packed some baby carrots and a 1/2 avocado for work, but I was never hungry enough to eat it

Exercise: 58 mins/580 calories burned
  • Day 2 of Making the Cut - was happy to find that the runs up a 10% incline are a bit easier than they were back in April. Yay! Although I still did them at 5mph instead of 5.5. I'll try 5.5 on Thursday. Definitely feel like I lost a little strength during my break from circuit workouts. But it will come back, and then some!
  • Only 7500 steps today. Lazy.

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