Thursday, August 29, 2013

Day 18 of RepairVite / Whole30 / Making the Cut

After finally getting a full 8 hours of sleep for the first night in a while, I finally took my sore hip out for a spin this morning. It does feel better after almost a whole week of rest, but still not 100%. After a walking warm-up, did a ~10 minute jog until my hip felt a little tired, and then alternately walked and jogged for another 30 minutes or so. I also did 3 stretches of walking lunges to prepare a little bit for the FitAthlon on Saturday. Probably should have done a lot more, but don't want to risk getting myself sore with only 2 days to go! Felt a little silly if anyone saw me walking down the street doing that, but I figured, hey, at least I'm out there doing it while the spectators are sitting on their butts. Fortunately, no cars passed by though. ;)

Today I put on a belt that I haven't worn since starting the diet, and was able to cinch it one hole tighter! That's at least an inch! Woo hoo!

So glad I figured out a healthy salad to get at Panera so I can get out of the office for lunch. Although today, we took our food back with us and ate it at our desks (it was a short break in the monotony, anyway). Since Panera doesn't have any vinegar, I went to work cafe and paid 11 cents for about 1/2 an ounce of balsalmic vinegar. Very tasty salad! Maybe I'll just keep a bottle of balsamic and EVOO at my desk instead of making and bringing dressing each day.

We had dinner at Brian's parents' house, and my mother-in-law came through for us once again! Another wonderful, perfectly legal dinner. I was stuffed.

Stupid hip is a little sore again tonight, so going to give it one more day of rest tomorrow. Time to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate though!

Food: ? calories 
  • Breakfast: 
  • Lunch:
    • Panera salad with chicken & avocado & EVOO packets, & balsamic vinegar from my company cafe 
  • Dinner:
    • Roast chicken
    • Asparagus
    • Thick-cut fried sweet potato rounds
    • Baby carrots cooked in apple juice
  • Snacks:
    • apple
    • strawberries/blueberries
    • deli turkey
  • Jog/walk/walking lunges for 45 minutes (420 calories)

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