Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Day 10 of RepairVite / Whole30 / Making the Cut

Today was a day of "firsts":

  • I actually slept 8 hours! I did not let the cats into the bedroom, despite their VERY persistent knocking at the door. Cricket was set free. Felt WONDERFUL. But I still snuggled up with my son after putting him down for a nap this afternoon, and succumbed to a little nap myself. Heavenly. Haven't done that for a little while, but should do it more often since I think that his nappy time is going to be a thing of the past soon. 
  • I did NOT step on the scale! I really did have the willpower to stay off. That, and Brian hid it.
  • I ate out! Brought the kids to Panera for their favorite mac & cheese before hitting a couple stores to get supplies for my son's upcoming pirate-themed birthday party. I got a classic salad (no tomato), and added chicken and avocado. They had little packets of EVOO, and then I squeezed a lemon on too. It was ok...but I won't lie - I miss my favorite cobb salad with chicken, avocado, bacon, tomato, feta, and Greek dressing though.
  • I cheated. Well, I hope it wasn't too bad of a cheat. While hanging out at my son's buddy's house to watch some live construction work (excavator! bobcat! woo hoo!), his mom put out some Terra Sweet Potato and Beet chips. I didn't see the bag's ingredients, but I assumed they were fried in a forbidden oil, which I just confirmed (canola oil and/or safflower oil and/or sunflower oil). But at least it is just the 3 ingredients: sweet potatoes, beets, oil. And I only ate like 8 chips (which took some self control because they are TASTY). Not the WORST cheat. Maybe I'll try to make some baked sweet potato chips sometime as a special treat.
  • I cooked dinner! Well, I made a crock pot meal one other night. Brian has definitely been doing the lion's share of the cooking around here, so I gave him the night off.

I finished off our first jar of Spectrum coconut oil while frying up dinner, so I broke into the giant jar of TresOmega that I got from Sam's. The first bottle really didn't have any coconut flavor or aroma at all - maybe because it was refined. However, this new jar definitely has a hint of coconut, and smells like the tropics. Ahhhhh. It sweetened up the sauted veggies a bit. I liked them, but my daughter said she felt like she had to throw up every time we asked her to take a bite of squash. Oh well. Can't please everyone.

My left hip is still bugging me a little from Monday's sprint, so I hopped on my old friend, my elliptical trainer this morning. It has been my preferred choice of cardio for years, and virtually the only cardio I did until I began jogging this spring. Haven't touched it since May though. And the interval workout that I always used to blow through was SO HARD today! I guess your muscles really do adapt to your current training. I'll have to make sure to hop on it a little more often instead of just jogging. Cross training is supposed to be good!

Food: ~1400 calories

  • Interval workout on the elliptical: ~400 calories
  • 8600 steps; 5 flights


  1. Hi. I somehow came across your blog as I was surfing through Facebook this morning. I am so excited to see a blog about this diet (now I's the Surviving RepairVite FB page that linked me to you.) Congrats to you and your hubby for your success. Like you, I began seeing a functional practitioner this May and was told I needed to start on this diet. I was taking the supplement, but had to get off of it due to side effects (it made me so MEAN!) With 4 kids over the summer, there was no way I could do the research and planning to begin this diet/lifestyle. School just started back for my kids this week and I am ready to jump in and start. I have Celiac Disease, leaky gut and who knows what food allergies my array 4 is going to come back with. Today is my 7th day of eating for the test. Clean eating begins tomorrow. I'm inspired by your blog and will visit with you every day! Good Luck! Have you checked out Diane Sanfilippo's "Practical Paleo"? Great resource not only recipes, but for all things health-related for those of us that suffer from autoimmune diseases, etc. Chrissy Gower's "Paleo Slow Cooking" might be of interest to you as well.

  2. Hi Heather! So glad you came for a visit! It is definitely challenging to do all the planning with 2 kids, nevermind 4 (power to ya!). We're finding that it's getting easier though now that it's been almost 2 weeks and we're getting into a new pattern, although we are still often serving some different foods to the kids at meals. We're finding that we do want to be curtailing their intake of wheat-based carbs since we know how evil that are now. Not that they like it.

    In a way, it must have been a relief to be diagnosed with Celiac so that at least you know what was causing all the symptoms you were having! I don't think I have Celiac, and wasn't officially diagnosed with leaky gut, but I suspect I had it based on the positive results I'm seeing with the diet. Something was certainly out of whack. I'm very much looking forward to seeing the results of my array 4 so I can understand what foods I need to stay away from once I can be a little less restrictive - I'm seeing my doc tomorrow, and hoping he has the results to share.

    Yes, I have been to "Practical Paleo" - good stuff. So many great resources out there! I'll have to check out Chrissy Gower's "Paleo Slow Cooking" too.

    Best of luck to you! Let me know how it goes!
