Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Day 1 of RepairVite / Whole30 / Making the Cut

Day One was a success! Despite spending 5 hours at an amusement park, filled with wonderful aromas of horrible food, and watching my kids eat ice cream right in front of me! And even throwing some of it away instead of eating the kids' leftovers! I suggested packing a picnic lunch so that I could control my food, and it worked out perfectly. If I hadn't begun this diet, I would have been all over the fried dough!!!

We took some "before" pictures that are NOT PRETTY to look at now, but I hope we will really appreciate them later. Maybe I'll even post them if I can get over the embarrassment. ;) Then came the moment of truth: the weigh-in. After 3 weeks of vacationing on and off, eating things I new I would miss (more hot fudge sundaes than I can count), and falling off the circuit work out wagon (although I was still jogging a couple times a week and ran two 5K races!), I gained 10 lbs. TEN POUNDS! Yikes. My body is so awesome at gaining weight. I should get a medal or something. I can definitely see the return of the muffin top and loss of definition in my legs that I worked so hard to finally start seeing! But I'm confident that it will all come off in these 30 days, and more.

When I entered all my food into MyFitnessPal, it only came out to ~1400 calories (I'm not supposed to be tracking calories, but I was curious). That's pretty low for me. When I ate that few calories in the past, my stomach was growling all night. But I really wasn't hungry all day. Maybe my body really has been on an insulin roller coaster and just wanted to get off! Although I was crazy sleepy while driving home from the park around 5pm - had to keep myself from nodding off a couple times. But it was a long day in the sun after a so-so night of sleep and first tough workout in a while.

I took my first dose of RepairVite before bed. NOT GOOD. <gag> Definitely have to chug it. Or maybe mix it with a little fruit juice or something... <shudder>

Hubby and I did lots of prep work so we wouldn't be struggling to figure out what to eat Day 1, and it paid off. Definitely have to get into the habit of prepping food on the weekend so we're not scrambling during the week. Here's what I ate:

Food: ~1400 calories

  • Breakfast: 
  • Lunch:
    • Chicken & Avocado salad: big salad of romaine & baby spinach with cucumbers, onions, and homemade EVOO Italian dressing
  • Dinner:
    • Chicken stir fry with lots of veggies, sauted in coconut oil
  • Snacks:

Exercise: 50 mins/500 calories burned according to my Pyle Heart Rate Monitor watch
  • Day 1 of Making the Cut - made it through ok even though I've been slacking on workouts for the past few weeks while I was trying to focus on jogging (oh, and vacations too)
  • 11,000 steps in from walking around the park all day (according to my Fitbit One)!

Supplements: Unless otherwise noted, I'll be taking these everyday during the program:
  • RepairVite: 1 scoop 2x/day
  • Strenthia: 2 pills 2x/day
  • Vitamin B12: 1000mg 2x/day

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