Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Day 9 of RepairVite / Whole30 / Making the Cut

I'm so weak. So weak. The scale was beckoning to me this morning. So, I indulged. Back down the pound that I had gained, so that's good. I'm really going to try to stay off the scale until Sunday though. REALLY! I must say that I definitely thought I looked leaner while I was working out this morning amidst the many mirrors at the gym. So much bloat has definitely disappeared. Even felt inspired to wear a little skirt to work today. 

All things were conspiring against my getting a full night of sleep last night. Let me count the ways:My son would NOT fall asleep. Kept crawling all around the bed and goofing around. Ugh. His late afternoon naps are killing me (he fell asleep on the drive home from the beach until 6pm).
  1. Tried closing the door bedroom door last night to keep the cats out, but the cat was clawing it like crazy. So, had to open it and let them in to have any peace.
  2. Thump. Whimper. My son fell out of the bed around 2:30am. Ugh. At least he went back to sleep quickly.
  3. My daughter caught a new "pet cricket" yesterday. It was a lot quieter when it lived downstairs. It was VERY noisy sitting on the kitchen counter in its jail, a short distance from my open bedroom door.
  4. The cats found a ball with a bell inside. And brought it to me. At 4:15am.
Still got through my workout pretty well though. I did skip the treadmill sprints though because my hip is still bothering me from yesterday. So I climbed the stairmill instead for the cardio intervals, which got my heart rate up PLENTY. Then I took a nice cool down walk/jog around the outdoor track/nature trail - that was a nice way to end my workout.

We had dinner at my father and sister's house tonight. My sister is doing the Wheat Belly diet while we're doing Whole30, and she had great success in her first week too - lost 5 pounds! Now she wants to focus on cutting out high glycemic carbs, so she was very happy to make a Whole30 compliant meal for us. However, my Dad is none too happy about this. He is very grumpy that she hasn't made any "good" dinners since changing her diet. He is very disappointed that there are no white potatoes and dessert pastry on the menu tonight. I would love for him to get on board since I'm sure the Whole30 eating style could get him off his mid Type 2 diabetes meds. However, I doubt he'll ever give up his favorite breakfast of white bread and marmalade (which could not possibly be a worse way to start the day!). 

We tried making some whipped cream from coconut milk to put over our fresh berries and peaches for dessert. YUM! You just use all the fat that separates in a can of coconut milk. We didn't add any sweetener or anything. It might have whipped up even better if it was even colder. I've never eaten an actual piece of fresh coconut before. Weird how it melts in your mouth. I put another can of coconut milk in the fridge for the next time we have a hankering for a sweet treat!

I was talking to my mother-in-law about this eating style and how there are so many testimonials that speak wonders about it, so she's contemplating getting on board. Woo hoo! 

Food: ~2000 calories (most I've eaten since starting this diet!)
  • Breakfast: 
  • Lunch:
    • Big salad with chicken & avocado & lime dressing
  • Dinner:
    • Strip steak with sauted onions
    • Baked sweet potato chunks
    • Wax beans
  • Snacks:
    • pre-workout: a couple slices of turkey breast & bites of peach
    • peach
    • fresh berries & peaches with whipped coconut cream


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