Friday, August 16, 2013

Day 4 of RepairVite / Whole30 / Making the Cut

Well, the craziness had to end eventually - only down half a pound this morning. But that's 6.5 pounds in 3 days! Nuts! And really, I feel great, and I'm not hungry or craving more food despite eating so fewer calories than I typically have in the past. Amazing. Very curious to see how my allergy test results look to see if do actually have some sensitivities - I tend to think I must!

We have a little lunch club at work that goes out every Thursday (one member of which has been doing the Paleo thing for a few months - starting to feel bad that we've been teasing him about being a caveman now that we're on board!), so we were a little torn about what to do about it today. I don't really feel comfortable trying to order food anywhere since it seems everything is cooked with soybean oil. Since Brian doesn't have as many restrictions as I do (namely pork, tomatoes, peppers in this case <sigh>), he's going to give one of our favorite spots a try today: Chipotle's. Supposedly, the pork carnitas aren't cooked in soybean oil like all the other meats are, so he can have a bowl or salad of carnitas, guac, and salsa. I'm a little jealous because that is DELICIOUS. But I should be able to have that once these 30 RepairVite days are over unless I do actually have an intolerance for soy, tomatoes, and peppers. Rob Wolff of Paleo Solution fame endorses it, so it must be ok! 

But for now, I'll just bring my salad along and watch them eat their Chipotle's. Brian was kind enough to grill the chicken I marinated last night while he was out in the yard working out this morning (and I was at the gym). So I had more chicken for salad (it still took forever to put my lunch and snacks together - need to prep at night!). I tried the second batch of dressing I've made - I added more lemon & lime juice to it, and used some coconut oil in addition to EVOO. Have to take it out of the fridge and let it warm up a little bit before pouring though!

We planned to take the kids on our town's weekly pre-concert family bike ride right after picking them up from school. Every time you join the bike ride, you get a raffle ticket for a new kid's bike. However, they insisted on getting their faces painted instead, which they've wanted to do all summer, but the line was always sooooo long so we kept promising "next time". Well, there was no next time - last one of the year. So, we skipped the bike ride. However, turns out that we won the raffle for a kid's bike! Crazy! Anyway, so we got home late for dinner. But I prepped dinner last night by dumping everything in the crockpot, so I just had to fire up the crock pot this morning, and it was waiting for us. Just had to "take 2 forks and shred that b*tch" (see the recipe - this PaleOMG blogger cracks me up!)! We'll have to get into the habit of doing crock pot meals on the days I work so we don't have to cook a full meal at night. 

I started mixing some naturally flavored coconut water in with my RepairVite to try to make it somewhat more palatable. Still not something I enjoy drinking, but slightly better. I like doing my raspberry flavored liquid vitamin B drops as a chaser. 

I started reading Mark's Daily Apple and his book Primal Blueprint last night and this morning, and I am intrigued by his theories. And very inspired by the success stories. Brian and I think we'd like to continue down the Paleo path, especially if we see great results from this 30-day challenge. Mark has some very unconventional ideas about exercise - Less is more! Play! And occasionally, Lift Heavy Stuff and Sprint! Interesting concepts... And again, more people raving about CrossFit. Intrigued by that too... 

Food: ~1650 calories
  • Breakfast: 
  • Lunch:
    • Big salad with chicken, avocado, misc greens, carrots, and homemade dressing
  • Dinner:
  • Snacks:
    • Peach
    • lettuce wraps with turkey, avocado, lime juice, and salt/pepper

Exercise: 45 mins/450 calories burned
  • Day 4 of Making the Cut
  • 20-minute family bike ride towing both kids - whew! My legs were tired after these workouts while hauling 80 pound of kids around!!
  • ~9000 steps/pedals and 19 flights - not bad

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