Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Day 8 of RepairVite / Whole30 / Making the Cut

So, the scale is officially no longer my friend. Back up a pound today. So, the first week ended with an 8 pound loss. Obviously, nothing to sneeze at, and I am certainly a lot less bloated than I was last Sunday. I'm going to make a concerted effort to NOT look at the scale again until next Sunday, Day 15. This will not be easy. Time to put faith into the programs and trust that they're working without external feedback. Oh, how I love my numbers to prove that things are working though. It's the ISTP in me.

The kitties woke me up around 3:30 this morning. Ugh. As much as I love having a warm, soft, snugly,  purring fur-baby beside me all night, and it's incredibly sweet when her buddy comes in and suckles on her ear and bathes her before cuddling together, I do not care for it happening beside my pillow at 3:30 in the morning. But the last couple nights that I shut the cat out, I thought she was going to tear the door off the hinges minutes after I'd fall asleep. So, the kitties are in, and I ended up reading more of It All Starts with Food until getting up at 5 for my workout.

At the end of my fourth 30 second sprint in my last circuit today, I felt a SOMETHING in my left hip when I jumped onto the sides of the treadmill to rest for 30 seconds before the final sprint. This spot has been giving me grief since I began jogging in May (I counted it up last night - I've jogged 65 miles since then!). Strangely, it's only on my left side, and almost always gets tight and sore after jogging. I think it's my IT band. C stretches seem to help, but it just seems to need rest to get better. Have to see if I'm up for a jog on Wednesday (or tomorrow's workout).

Since beginning to read all about Paleo and Rob Wolff's stuff, I've become intrigued by CrossFit, and suggested to Brian that we should try it out. I saw a sign stating that a new one is opening in town soon... Well, oh boy, just saw a deal for half off a 30-day membership at the new box in town! Here's our chance! It is rather expensive to be an ongoing member - there's another CrossFit box in town, and that one would be $320/month for both of us. Ouch. I'm sure this new place will similarly priced. But this trial month is only $89 apiece - great way to give it a try, and then maybe take some of the principles back to the Y or home. I think we should to it for the month of October after we get back from Disney. I'm excited!!! Whew, this sounds brutal. AND AWESOME: The Ten Things That Happen When You Begin CrossFit.

We had great plans to try a delicious new dinner, but I ended up taking a surprise beach day trip with the kids and got home late, so that did not happen. Thankfully, still had some ground beef in the fridge for quick avocado burgers. We'll have to make sure to always have some ground beef on hand to do that - so tasty! Anyway, stay tuned for Wednesday's post to see the new dinner.

Food: ~1200 calories
  • Breakfast: 
  • Lunch:
    • Leftover shredded flank steak w/ onions & carrots
  • Dinner:
    • Grass-fed ground beef burgers with avocado dressing in lettuce wraps
  • Snacks:
    • pre-workout: a couple slices of turkey breast & bites of peach
    • peach
    • apple

  • Day 9 of Making the Cut ~450 calories
  • 8200 steps; 8 floors
  • Also worked up quite a sweat cleaning the house and vacuuming the stairs. Hate doing that.

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