Saturday, August 31, 2013

Day 19 of RepairVite / Whole30 / Making the Cut

Biggest challenge yet tonight: Book club. Sooooo many yummy gluten- and cheese-laden treats. And booze. I'm taking fresh berry mojitos. And none of it was for me. But I'm proud of myself - I was strong, and came prepared. And I still enjoyed the night despite not getting a little buzz on.

Since I was heading to book club straight from work, I stopped by Stew Leornard's to find some food to bring with me. I found some grilled chicken on the salad bar and a bag of baby carrots - so far, so good. Then I thought "You know what would be delicious? Some of that Guacamole Dip!" Turns out that it was a little naughty since the ingredients did include some nightshades (tomatoes, jalapenos, and chili powder). But I decided to indulge. Well, let me tell you, I got a nice little tummy ache after eating about 1/4 of the guac while dipping my chicken and carrots. It honestly felt like my guts were getting inflamed - maybe the jalapeno was the biggest offender? I do not feel good about the prospect of having issues with nightshades. I've SOOOOO been looking forward to reintroducing them into my diet to give us a little variety. We use paprika, chili powder, fresh peppers, and tomatoes in so many of our favorite dishes. Salsa!!! I'll have to do a little testing after next week.

  • Breakfast: 
  • Lunch:
    • Panera salad with chicken & avocado & EVOO packets, & balsamic vinegar  (brought it from home this time)
  • Dinner:
    • Stew Leonard's grilled chicken from salad bar
    • Stew Leonard's Guacamole Dip (not legal!)
    • Baby carrots
  • Snacks:
    • apple
    • strawberries/blueberries
    • deli turkey
    • baby carrots

  • last rest day before the FitAthlon

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