Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Day 17 of RepairVite / Whole30 / Making the Cut

Crazy day. My daughter had her first day of kindergarten, so the morning was a frenzy to inhale my breakfast and supplements while getting her ready before walking her to the bus stop <sniff, sniff>. Then I was getting the carpets cleaned, so my exercise for the day was completely cleaning out and vacuuming the living room, 2 bedrooms, and the huge rec room (my Thursday workout will be putting everything back once the carpets are dry). No small feat. I was sweatin'!.

After collecting my son from his grandmother's house (brought him there to stay out of the carpet cleaner's hair), I decided to get lunch on the run on the way to get him a shorter big boy haircut <more sniff sniff>. So, we drove through Dairy Queen, and I simply ordered a grilled chicken breast - no bun, no condiments, no veggies - nuthin'. And they cooperated! And it was pretty tasty, I have to say. So tasty, in fact, that I tend to think it probably had some nightshade-based seasonings on it, so it was probably in violation of the diet. Oh well. My son got a small banana with his meal but didn't want it, so I ate that too. Another RepairVite violation, but I think it's only because of its higher glycemic index. I figure that since it was small, and I ate it with protein, it really shouldn't spike my insulin out of control.

Brian had been working on dinner for a couple days. Yesterday, he prepped some beef short ribs, and today they've been in the slow cooker all day. Smelled SOOO good! For sides, we steamed some green beans and sauteed them up with onions and garlic, and I also tried making cauliflower "rice" by putting some cauliflower in the food processor until it looked like grains of rice, and then sauted it up with onions and garlic too. I did put some of the juice from the ribs on them too. We really liked them! In both cases, I used EVOO instead of coconut oil - we're finding that this new coconut oil we got really changes the flavor profile of foods since it has such a strong coconut flavor.

Food: ? calories 


  • Cleaning the house for carpet cleaning. That is WORK!

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