Saturday, August 17, 2013

Day 5 of RepairVite / Whole30 / Making the Cut

I can't control myself. Must step on the scale each morning. Brian has such willpower - he hasn't stepped on the scale all week, as suggested by the Whole30 program. I figured I'd be holding steady after the loss slowed down yesterday, but, low and behold, down another 2! Thanks 8 pounds in 4 days! I put on the same capris that I wore on Tuesday, and I swear they feel looser. Good bye, bloat. I won't miss you. Looking forward to switching gears to burning fat as fuel so I can start the REAL weight loss. Should be happening soon!

I was dragging a little at my workout this morning toward the end. Legs are tired - it's been a while since I worked out 5 days in a row. Skipped the last sprint up a 10% incline. Might take a rest day tomorrow, and save my run for Sunday. But I did take a walk during lunch today though because it is SO GORGEOUS outside, and I was practically shivering while sitting at my desk eating lunch. Unseasonably cool and dry for August. Love it.

On Fridays, Brian's folks watch the kids for us instead of spending another day in daycare - win/win/win situation for them, the kids, and our wallets! So lucky to have them 5 minutes away so they can be such a big part of the kids' lives (they moved from their house that was 50 minutes away, in the area they lived in all their lives, JUST to be closer to the kids!). And the bonus is that when we come over to pick up the kids, his mom always has a delicious home cooked meal waiting for us. In light of this diet we've been talking about (we gave them most of the details while scarfing down cheesy garlic bread and meat lovers pizza while celebrating my birthday on Sunday, our last day to binge on the bad stuff!), she was kind enough to tell me her proposed meal tonight, and ask me if it was all ok. So I gave her a copy of the verboten list this morning, and then she told me that she even looked up the list herself online last night! So lucky to have this much support from my mother-in-law (and husband, and sister who's doing Wheat Belly too!).

Dinner was great - she even found a way to sweeten up some baby carrots and sugar snap peas for the kids by cooking them in no-sugar added apple juice. Brilliant!

I did wake up at 2:30 for the first time in a couple nights, which has been a common thing in the past for me. Could have had something to do with being sandwiched between 2 kids and 2 cats. Or that I had to pee. Or maybe that I'd eaten the most carbs today that I'd eaten all week; still only 80 grams though - nothing compared to the last few weeks! Either way, I ended up starting the Whole 30 book It Starts with Food. The authors said their whole program is inspired by Rob Wolff, so it will probably be pretty repetitive after reading his book, but hope to glean a few more helpful hints and further solidify my commitment to cut out processed foods and eat quality organic meat and produce.

According to the Whole 30 Timeline of what to expect physically and psychologically each day on the program, Brian and I should be in the "KILL ALL THE THINGS!" phase. But we really don't feel that way. If anything, I might have slightly more patience with the kids. Maybe because we're not having to break any major addictions to diet sodas or anything?Brian didn't give up coffee - he's just drinking it black now. The one thing I have noticed is moments of lightheadedness when I bent over or stood up a couple times (although I feel fine during workouts). I've definitely been eating less, but certainly not starving myself - never going under 1200 calories. I'll have to see if they continue. In my late teens, when I went through a period of barely eating anything (and dropping 60 lbs!), I would get so lightheaded that I blacked out a few times. Don't need to start that craziness again. 

Food: ~1650 calories

  • Breakfast: 
  • Lunch:
    • Big salad with chicken, avocado, misc greens, carrots, and homemade dressing
  • Dinner:
    • Chicken leg, carrots & sugar snap peas cooked in no-sugar added apple juice, sweet potato fries
  • Snacks:
    • Strawberries & blueberries
    • lettuce wraps with turkey, avocado, lime juice, and salt/pepper

Exercise: 45 mins/450 calories burned
  • Day 5 of Making the Cut
  • 20-minute walk around the work campus
  • 7600 steps and  flights

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