Sunday, April 10, 2016

Day 7 of keto - 1 week down!

Week one is in the books!

Sadly, no more weight loss since those initial 3 pounds. Frustrating. But I do feel leaner. And it has been pretty easy to eat the keto way all week. I haven't even missed all that fruit I used to eat too much.

I've been in hard core ketosis now Saturday and Sunday, according to the dark pink keto test strips all day (although I wouldn't be surprised if I'm a but dehydrated too). This is despite indulging in an alcoholic on Saturday (well, two). Saturday was my first big keto test day: we spent the day in New York City to attend my niece's baptism. I had told myself I wasn't going to have a drink, but the English Margarita at Ditch Plains caught my eye: cucumber water, tequila, and lime juice. I figured it should be pretty low carb. Although when I asked the bartender how she made it, she said there was some simple syrup in it - oops. But with the exception of the 2 drinks (which didn't seem to kick me out of ketosis), it was just fine:

  • 2 egg patties and 2 sausage patties from the Dunkin Donuts at the train station
  • a deviled egg and buffalo wings for lunch (including carrot and celery sticks)
  • a couple slabs of beef and some veggies from the Tri Tip Grill at Grand Central
  • a little bit of SunButter on the train while riding home 
I roller skated for 3.5 HOURS with my daughter today. Sundays are LONG days at the rink. I have a lesson at 8:30, then she has one at 9:30, then we have a group lesson from 11-noon, and then she always wants to skate around a little more afterward. I was ready for a nap by the afternoon. It really is tiring to maintain proper form while doing all the figures and dances with proper form (arms out, core tight, knees bent, pointing legs flexed...). I'm still mad that FitBit totally robs me of the zillions of steps I take while on skates, but the heart rate monitor tells a story that I was in fat burning mode for a long time!

My Food

  • bacon
  • 3 eggs scrambled topped with Red Hot sauce 

  • Blackened pork chops sauteed in coconut oil with some coconut milk/chicken broth gravy
  • Broccoli

  • 3 TB SunButter
  • a little Thai Kitchen full fat coconut milk

4% Net Carbs / 32% Protein / 64% Fat

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