Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Day 3 of Keto

Down another 2 pounds this morning! 201! So close to ONEderland I can TASTE it! I am psyched to get there by the end of this week (and no, I don't care that it's just water weight!)!

Finally got back to CrossFit this morning after a week off due to schedule conflicts. I was hoping the week off would let my left wrist finish healing from that stupid rollerskating fall 6 weeks ago, but it still hurt doing snatches today. That movement, in particular, aggravates it - it doesn't like the wide snatch grip. I worked up to some squat snatches at 65#, and had to stop there. My coach said I was catching the bar totally crooked too, probably because I'm favoring my left wrist. UGH! I did buy some wrist guards to wear skating from now on since I'm so freaked about taking another big fall, although I'm gonna feel a little dumb wearing them. Oh well, better safe than sorry. Maybe I'll transition into roller derby. ;) 

I was a little hungry after lunch today, so I had a few spoonfuls of full fat coconut milk - so yummy and creamy! Seems like such a forbidden treat! That seemed to hold me over through dinner (another steak curry - so delicious!). My Fitbit thinks I'm going to burn 3000 calories today between CrossFit and all the trips up and downstairs doing laundry (and scrubbing out some carpet stains - that's work!). However, after dinner, I'd only eaten 1800 calories and was a little short on protein. So, I ended up having a shake before bed so I wouldn't be hungry all night. I used some unsweetened chocolate mixed with full fat and light coconut milks, some Healthy & Fit Egg Protein powder, with a tiny bit of erythritol to mask the bitterness - not bad!

My Food

  • bacon
  • 2 eggs scrambled topped with Red Hot sauce 

  • Blackened pork chops sauteed in coconut oil with some coconut milk/chicken broth gravy
  • Broccoli

  • Steak curry with broccoli
  • 2 TB SunButter
  • some spoonfuls Thai Kitchen full fat coconut milk
  • 3 baby carrots
  • protein shake w/ chocolate

3% Net Carbs / 30% Protein / 67% Fat

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