Friday, March 20, 2015

ETP 3.5: WOD day (Opens 15.4)

Big day today: Opens WOD 15.4. I wanted to do well, so I made sure to get a good night's rest and wake up early enough that I could eat a full breakfast 2 hours before my WOD at 9am. Success! I used my old Fitbit One tracker to monitor my sleep last night, and it said that I slept 8 hours 15 min and wasn't very restless - one of my best nights of sleep in a while. I woke up just shy of 7 and ate breakfast around 7:15. 

The RX version of the WOD had handstand push ups, which I can't do from the floor yet. So, I went with the scaled version, which was an 8 minute AMRAP of 10 65# push presses and 10 75# cleans. Both of those weights are about 50% of my 1RM for both moves, so the weight was very manageable for me. I was able to do the first 3 rounds of everything unbroken, and then started breaking up sets as my shoulders and forearms got tired. I got through another 3 rounds and 1 last push press. It was a real lung burner - I was constantly trying to catch my breath between sets. And my forearms were on fire by the end. I was pretty pleased with my 121 reps...until I found out that I was NOT allowed to have the push press bar in a rack. UGH. So, going to have to do it again on Sunday. Hoping that 2 days of crazy (to me) amounts of carbs will give me the energy to push through even harder!

In order to get closer to my goal of 280g of carbs, I had a full cup of jasmine rice with dinner. SO DELICIOUS!!! All it needs it a little salt in the pot, and it's perfect. I have missed rice after cutting it out of my diet for so long. And for dessert, I had some hot, freshly homemade applesauce made from a bag of organic apples I got at BJs. Doesn't even need sugar - so yummy. Only made it to 253g of carbs today, but that's more than I've had in a while (well, except for those margaritas...).

  • Tea with honey & half a lemon's juice

    • 3 eggs scrambled, topped with hot sauce
    • 3 sausage links (1 pork, 2 leaner turkey)
    • sweet potatoes sauteed in coconut oil
    • Healthy & Fit Chocolate egg-based protein shake
    • 2 oz lite coconut milk
    • 1 frozen banana
      • tacos with guacamole (made with ground turkey)
      Afternoon snacks:
      • shared a bag of popcorn at Target with my son
      • Plum Amazins dried plums
      • grilled chicken
      • jasmine rice
      • broccoli
      • Homemade applesauce (no sugar added) - 2 bowls!
      • Magnesium supplement with honey

      Carbs: 39%, Protein 29%, Fat 32%

      Your Daily Goal2,58528085175252,500

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