Sunday, March 22, 2015

ETP 3.7: WOD day (15.4 take 2)

In terms of performance: awesome day today! I redid the scaled version of the Opens 15.4 WOD, and got 13 more reps than I did on Friday's attempt for a total of 134! And that was taking the bar from the ground, not a rack, like I did on Friday for push presses. I got all but the last set of presses unbroken - much better than Friday (granted, my shoulders were already a little sore going into Friday, but my traps were sore going in today). So, it appears that all of those carbs for the past couple days definitely helped!!! I wasn't even sleepy enough to indulge in a nap with my son later on! Energy is definitely improving.
In terms of nutrition: not a banner day. Fell a little short on protein, and too high on carbs. Not to mention a bit of booze... We had our annual St. Patty's Day corned beef dinner with my family, and my sister had a hankering for raspberry mojitos, so I had to make some for her (and the rest of us). While at the package store, I picked up the ingredients for the blueberry lemonade that I've been planning to make for the book club I'll be hosting, so I tried throwing one of those together too (delicious!). However, all that booze put me over my calories and carbs. Not cool. But, tomorrow is another (control) day... 

  • Tea with honey & half a lemon's juice

    • 3 eggs scrambled, topped with hot sauce
    • 3 sausage links (1 pork, 2 leaner turkey)
    • sweet potatoes sauteed in coconut oil with a slice of bacon and some sauteed onions too
    • Healthy & Fit Chocolate egg-based protein shake
    • 2 oz lite coconut milk
    • 1 frozen banana
      • pan-grilled burger on a bed of salad
      Afternoon snacks:
      • corned beef onions & potato
      • raspberry mojitos!
      • Magnesium supplement with honey

      Carbs: 44%, Protein 23%, Fat 33% 

      Your Daily Goal2,58526585175252,500

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