Monday, March 23, 2015

ETP 3.8: Control day

I donated my 33rd point of blood this morning. I didn't realize that I'd hit 4 gallons in January! It's very convenient that we have drives at work - makes it easy. In the past, I always had issues with my iron being too low, and got turned away. However, since I straightened out my digestion problems 18 months ago and found a quality iron supplement, I haven't been turned away once (I pop 1-2 extra iron pills in the week before a donation)! Although, this morning, first the blood test was from a finger on my left hand, and that did come in too low. So they stabbed a finger on my right hand instead, and it was plenty high. Weird. After the donation, I succumbed to the lure of a box of raisins and a cranberry juice in the canteen, which were certainly better choices than all of the cookies and other sugary, processed choices there. Although, in retrospect, I wish I hadn't - that was 41 grams of carbs that I could have had with dinner! No pasta for me tonight. :(

I was HUNGRY this afternoon! Having more carbs all weekend seems to be making my appetite come back with a vengeance! After driving home from work with a grumbly stomach, I typically would have dug into a jar of Sunbutter when I got home to hold me over until dinner. But, tonight, I held out for the delicious Paleo Swedish Meatballs that Brian made. 

My macros weren't great today. WAY too low on protein. As delicious as the chicken mole is, it has a lot of fat, so that didn't allow me to make a larger amount of meatballs for dinner tonight. So, I ended up having a double protein shake before bed, although I still threw a banana in there even though it pushed me a little further over on my carbs. Need some carbs for tomorrow's WOD!

  • Tea with honey & half a lemon's juice

    • 3 eggs scrambled with green pepper and onions (no oil)
    • sausage patty   
    • topped with hot sauce
    • 1/2 grapefruit

    Snack 1 (post-blood donation):
    • 1 oz raisins
    • small can of cranberry juice


    Snack 2:
    • 4 oz turkey
    • 1 cup strawberries & blueberries

    • Double protein shake with banana
    • Magnesium supplement with honey

      Carbs: 31%, Protein 29%, Fat 40%

      Your Daily Goal1,96512585175252,500

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