Saturday, March 28, 2015

ETP 3.13: WOD Day & trying to feed my Dad

Ugh. Burpees. So many burpees. More than I've ever done before, or ever hope to do again.

Today's WOD was a descending ladder of pull ups alternating with an ascending ladder of burpees. Doing 10 pull ups (well, a jumping pull up since I can't do strict yet) and 2 burpees isn't bad. But when it got to around 4 pull ups and 14 burpees, I stopped having fun. And I was definitely over it by that last set of 20 burpees. That was 16 minutes and 110 burpees that I don't care to repeat. My shoulders are the first part to fatigue - I need to figure out how to drop to the ground more efficiently than essentially doing the lowering portion of a push up each time. Hope I didn't fatigue my shoulders too much before having to attack all those thrusters in 15.5 tomorrow (DOUBLE UGH!!!).

I've been so obsessed with all of my logging and blogging since starting ETP 2 weeks ago, but I'm realizing that I think it's really just to keep my mind off my Dad's failing health. I'm trying to jam 2600 calories and 2+ liters of water down my gullet, and my Dad can't even bring himself to drink a glass of water and a couple Ensure shakes all day. I'm trying to fuel myself to do WODs with 110 burpees and 72 thrusters, and he can't walk across the room without getting winded with his walker. I'm the fittest and strongest I've been in my life, and he's at his weakest. I'm finding that I'm angry that he won't eat and drink so he can be strong, more than I'm sad that he just doesn't have the will to do so. So hard to see your parents get old and sick. While I'm struggling with thoughts of quitting during my WOD tomorrow I'll need to remember to think that my Dad would love to have the energy and strength to do even one rep. 

Brian brought the kids to Sweet Frog today, so I asked him to hook me up with some pre-15.5 fuel. They have one dairy-free flavor: chocolate fudge, although I like to indulge in a little hot fudge, peanut better, chipped Resee's Peanut Butter Cups on top, so it's probably not 100% dairy-free by the time I'm done. But it's a rare treat, so I savor it. I bought some jelly beans the other day since I have my annual Easter-time hankering for them, but I haven't eaten them yet - still feeling guilty about mainlining THAT much sugar. I also picked up a bag of Stew Leonard's Sweet Potato chips on Thursday - we've been saving those as our post-15.5 lunch with a big old burger. :) 

  • Tea with honey & half a lemon's juice

    • 3 eggs scrambled 
    • 3 Jones turkey links
    • topped with hot sauce
    • sweet potato fries

    • Healthy & Fit Chocolate egg-based protein shake
    • 2 oz lite coconut milk
    • 1 frozen banana
    • 1/8 c dried cranberries (sweetened)
      Snack 1:
      • banana
      • 1 T Sunbutter
      • Sweet Frog dairy-free frozen yogurt with goodies (only had half though)
      • Magnesium supplement with honey

      Carbs: 36%, Protein 29%, Fat 36%

      Your Daily Goal2,58526585185252,500

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