Tuesday, March 17, 2015

ETP 3.2: WOD Day - So many carbs left!!! Can't bring myself to eat them all!!!

Had a good workout this morning, and I was HUNGRY afterwards! It was 3 rounds of 4 minutes of 20 second tabatas with 2 minutes of rest in between rounds. There were a lot of bar movements, which I liked...except for the front squats. I really need to convince myself that I LIKE front squats. And, of course, there were burpees in there, but I can handle burpees for 20 seconds. Those 2 minutes of rest sure do go by quickly! Just barely enough time to get the heartrate back down! I've been thinking about wearing my heartrate monitor to a class again just too see where my heartrate is these days during these high intensity WODS.

My macro ratios were looking really good when I left work today. I didn't know what would be for dinner since we go to Brian's mom's for dinner on Tuesdays, but she's always SO great about making delicious gluten/dairy-free dinners for me. Tonight was some roasted pork tenderloin and my favorite roasted sweet potatoes with bacon. I took a nice, big helping of sweet potatoes since I knew I was a bit low on carbs. I didn't have a scale, so just tried to guess 6-8 oz of pork, which ended up seeming like a lot - I was so full (turns out I didn't need as much anyway)! Not to mention that I had to cram it down my gullet extra fast in order to bring my daughter to Daisy Scouts on time. 

In the end, I ended up OVER my protein macros, and WAY under my carbs. But at least the fat was closer to where I wanted it. But  just can't bring myself to eat a bunch of carbs before bed, even though the Eat to Perform folks all think it's the best thing in the world! If I were hungry, that would be one thing, but I'm still stuffed!

Carbs: 25%, Protein %41%, Fat 34%

  • Tea with honey & half a lemon's juice
  • Healthy & Fit Chocolate egg-based protein shake
  • 2 oz lite coconut milk
  • 1 frozen banana

    • 3 eggs scrambled with green pepper and onions (no oil) topped with hot sauce
    • sausage patty  
    • 1/2 grapefruit
    Snack 1:
    • 4 oz turkey
    • 1 cup strawberries & blueberries
    • roasted pork tenderloin
    • baked sweet potatoes
    • string beans
    • Magnesium supplement with honey

      Your Daily Goal2,58528085175152,500

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