Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Eat to Perform Day 10: WOD Day

Ugh, one of the WODs I dread most came up today: 100 burpees for time. I did it back in February in 9:59 - it was all I could do to get sub-10 minutes. So, I was going for a a new PR, and hoping for sub-9. Well, came close with 9:08. So, almost a full minute PR. It was brutal though. Just as I remembered. Brian was sub 7 mins! The fastest person was 5:15!!! So, plenty of room to improve on these (like I didn't know that!). As we were cooling down with a mile jog, I said "The only thing worse than 100 burpees is 100 thrusters." Well, I spoke to soon - tomorrow's WOD is 150 thrusters!!!! UGH!!!! And if you drop the bar, you have to run 200 meters as punishment! Although the run might be a relief after a while... I would normally take Thursday off and WOD on Friday, but I won't be able to go on Friday, so looks like I'll be thrusting tomorrow. I haven't done a ton of thrusters since the open, and it REALLY sucked (but that was "only" 84 thrusters, although I had to do burpees over bar with that too, which was even worse). And that was with a 65# bar, and I only have to use 45# tomorrow - that should feel light, right??? UGH!!!!

I worked on my pull-ups a little after the WOD today. I read a great article this morning about why banded pull-ups may be hindering my progress toward getting my first strict pull-up. One line I picked up on was "At the bottom is where you need to learn to retract your scapulae. Bands only exacerbate this problem by giving the strongest push at the bottom. I've never focused on retracting my scapulae before. I tried doing some like that with just a purple band and got pretty close! And then I did some dead hangs with my scapulae retracted, which was definitely harder (it must have done something because my upper back is TIRED tonight!) So maybe my strength is almost there, and I just need some pointers on form to get me over the edge.

Had a visit with my functional practitioner for the first time since March today. Overall, it was a good visit. My thyroid has FINALLY straightened itself out, without taking any thyroid support supplements! Yay! So he feels the thyroid dysfunction was a side effect of my inflammation, which is now SO much better since I stopped eating dairy and gluten and got my leaky gut on the path to healing. My incredibly low cholesterol increased to 166, primarily by the HDL which went up 23 points to 85, which is excellent! Triglycerides were still low at 36 though, so maybe I should stop taking doses of our omega 3 oil supplement (which I probably do 4-5 times/week) since that can cause low triglycerides. And I need to get back to supplementing my iron, vitamin B12, and magnesium regularly, all of which dropped a little since I haven't been supplementing regularly for the past couple months. He also suggested that when I have an accidental exposure to dairy/gluten, that I take some Repairvite for a couple days (not necessarily follow the diet though). Although he does suggest doing a Repairvite program a couple times/year for a week or two.

I was excited to have another bodyfat analysis done since I feel I've still been shrinking since March, even though the scale hasn't moved too much. Although I knew that I was up 5 pounds since I started doing Eat to Perform last week due to my muscles rehydrating. According to him, I was still down 3 pounds since 3/6/14, even with my weight gain. However, the test said that I GAINED a point of bodyfat, and lost 4 pounds of lean body mass! I don't feel that's accurate at all. So that was a disappointing test.

  • Healthy & Fit Vanilla egg-based protein shake
  • 2 oz lite coconut milk
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 3 eggs scrambled
  • 3 sausage links
  • topped with hot sauce
  • 4 oz baked sweet potato
  • 8 oz buffalo turkey meatballs
  • 1 cup sugar snap peas
  • Healthy & Fit Vanilla egg-based protein shake
  • 2 oz lite coconut milk
  • 1 frozen banana

    Snack 2:
    • 1 cup of Captain Crunch
    • 1 cup rice milk
    • 1/4 scoop vanilla protein shake
    Your Daily Goal2,50021997188152,500

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