Thursday, July 10, 2014

Eat to Perform Day 4: WOD Day

Woke up at 3:30am to a bug crawling on my face, and when I flicked it, it crawled on my chest, which caused a little freak out... Needless to say, that was the end of sleeping for me. So, after an hour of tossing and turning, I finally got up and prepped 3 huge sweet potatoes to throw in the oven after my WOD so I'd have some ready for breakfast. Out of curiosity, I weighed one potato before dicing it, and it was 15oz. But once it was baked, it only amounted to like 8oz. So, that made me wonder if I should be measuring my sweet potatoes based on their raw weight, or cooked weight (which should be much more dense with carbs and calories once all the water evaporates out). I posed the question to the Eat to Perform forum, and they suggested that I look for stats in My Fitness Pal that are based on the cooked version of food if that's how I measured it. However, the example nutrition facts he gave me pretty much lined up with the raw version that I found. So, still stumped.

My hubby usually takes the early morning workout on Thursdays while I stay home with the kids before work, but since I need to rest tomorrow in preparation for my Baby, Leave the Socks On throw down, I asked him if I could take his spot today. Of course, being the awesome hubby he is, he obliged. Then I was doubly excited to see that the WOD involved snatches, which is the first WOD at the competition! Nothing like a little last minute practice! The first part of the WOD was working up to a heavy 1 rep max of a standard (squat) snatch. I've had a tough time with the squatting part of this (I could never get the barbell to land right in the proper place overhead), but it finally seems to be coming together. And I worked up to a new 1RM of 100#! Woo hoo! Snatchtastic! And I think I even had a little more in the tank, but ran out of time to try another lift (like when I'm getting my 1RM at the Socks comp!). Then we moved onto the second part of the WOD, which was a 12 minute EMOM (every minute on the minute) of a power snatch, followed by an overhead squat, followed by a power squat snatch using 60% of the 1RM snatch from earlier. Fun! And such great practice and just the right time.

I actually woke up hungry this morning for the first time this week, which really sucked because, naturally, I had to go in for a fasting blood test to prep for my 1 year anniversary appt with my functional practitioner next week. So, I had a shake waiting for me in the car as soon as I left, although I didn't get to drink it until 8:30. So much for that refueling window when my WOD ended at 6:45.

Had a delicious protein-packed lunch today: Chipotle's! Got a salad with double meat (shredded and cubed steak) with veggies, salsa, and guac. And, BONUS! Didn't get charged for double meat! Was tempted to get some rice and/or corn since I can have more carbs these days, but the plan seems to encourage keeping away from starchy carbs at lunch if you're not WODing around lunch. Just as well though - SO FULL.

I'm pretty proud of my commitment to this eating program in the evening. I went to a friend's house who was hosting a Lia Sophia party with lots of delicious food and booze. The most tempting booze: her fresh raspberry mojitos. So delicious. But, I did not partake. Just sipped my water all night. I did much on some Fritos and potato chips, but I still had almost 100g of carbs left for the day, so I wasn't too worried about it. I got some protein between some yummy pulled pork and kielbasa. I only had about 20 grams of fat left though, and I might have gone over there. But, all in all, pretty successful evening. And I kept finding that I was getting so full from a few bites here and there that I couldn't eat a ton of crap even if I wanted to.

Not sure how accurate this is since I wasn't measuring anything all day. Might have gone a little overboard at the party, but could have been a lot worse! At least I got my protein in. 
Your Daily Goal2,50021997188152,500

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