Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Eat to Perform Day 2: WOD Day

I planned my first Eat to Perform WOD day meals last night while I was baking up a batch of diced sweet potato for the week (which, it turns out, will only be 2 days' worth! Gotta make a lot more if I want to batch cook for the week!). I basically did a repeat of yesterday except I added a post-WOD shake with a full banana, added a sweet potato with breakfast (big breakfast!), and then fiddled around my dinner portions and added another dessert snack of a banana with Sunbutter to meet my macros for the day (having another protein shake was TOO much protein). 

I was so full after my big breakfast that I didn't have lunch until almost 2pm. Then I didn't have my snack until almost 4. So, I wasn't too hungry for supper and had that late too. I had planned to have some baby carrots with dinner and some grapes afterward to reach the full 250 grams of carbs, but I was just TOO FULL. So, only ended up at about 200 grams of carbs, but still hit my protein and fat (and had over 3 liters of water!). SO FULL THOUGH.

I really need to buckle down on my sleep, and go to sleep earlier. I was nodding off before dinner tonight. Can't get my naps in with my son on the days I work. :( So, off to bed, and looking forward to sleeping in a bit tomorrow before heading to the beach for the afternoon!

  • Healthy & Fit Chocolate egg-based protein shake
  • 2 oz lite coconut milk
  • 1 frozen banana

  • 3 eggs scrambled with spinach, green pepper, and onions
  • sausage patty   
  • topped with hot sauce
  • 6 oz baked sweet potato
  • 1/2 grapefruit
  • 6 oz pulled pork tenderloin topped with BBQ sauce
  • 1 cup broccoli
Snack 1:
  • 4 oz Boar's Head Cajun turkey/chicken with 1/2 T coconut oil
  • 1 cup strawberries & blueberries
  • 5 oz London Broil
  • Broccoli
  • 1 sweet potato (as oven baked fries with coconut oil)
  • 10 baby carrots
Snack 2:
  • banana
  • 1.5 T Sunbutter
It was not easy to make this look NOT phallic.

Your Daily Goal2,50021997188152,500

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