Friday, February 28, 2014

Day 26 of 2nd Whole30/Strict Paleo Challenge


Apparently, this is a really big deal in the world of CrossFit. Last night, CrossFit HQ announced the first of 5 weekly WODs where people can try to place into the Regionals, the winners of which qualify you for the CrossFit Games. The part that's kind of cool is that ANYONE can do the Open WODs, and see how you rank in your box, your state, your region, and the world. So, Brian and I signed up so we can track ourselves to see how we measure up since we'll be doing the Open WODs at our box anyway. You can only enter a score in the Open if you can do the RX workout, so I won't be able to log and WODs with pull ups or toes to bar, but I should be able to do everything else RX (maybe not do it WELL, but do it...). I hope we get to see some of our coaches in action, some of whom may actually have a shot of making it to Regionals. They would be amazing to see in action.

Brian did the first Open WOD today: 10 minute AMRAP of 30 double unders followed by 15 snatches (75# guys/55# girls). He was able to string together a few DUs here and there, and was eventually able to get through 132 reps. Not bad for a relative CrossFit newbie! 

And I've officially turned into a crazy person... After work, I took the kids to the Y to go swimming (which is not my favorite thing to do my myself because the trials in the changing room really grate on my nerves) all because I wanted to practice some double unders before hopping in the pool! And man, were my arms and hands covered in lash marks when I was done! And I got a big blister on my right palm - ouch. But I finally seem to be getting some of my timing back. For a while, I got a decent run every time I practiced (somewhere between 10-20 jumps strung together), and then I lost it after doing a WOD with 3 sets of 100 single unders (which I rocked, but it killed my DU timing!). For the first time, I finally strung together a few DUs with my own jump rope, which has been eluding me for some reason, even though it's the SAME rope that they have at the box. I don't know why, but it seemed to help to be able to see myself in a mirror there (no mirrors in the Box). So, I anticipate the sets of 30 DUs being painful tomorrow, but I should be able to get through them, anyway.

Brian made a delicious dinner while we were wrapping up at the Y. I've been dreaming about sweet potato fries for a while, and was so excited to open the door and smell them baking when I got home. And he fried up some salmon cakes. In the past, he used 5 oz of salmon for each of us, and I always found it so filling that I could barely finish my second cake. But, tonight, he only used 3.75 oz apiece, and that was perfect. He whipped up an avocado mayo to put on top, but some fresh dill or something would have really made the topping spectacular.

Food: 1885 calories  22% carbs (105g)/ 20% (95g) protein/ 58% fat
  • -
  • Breakfast: 
    • 3 eggs scrambled with spinach, onions, and bell peppers
    • 2 sausage patties
    • hot sauce on everything
  • Lunch: 
    • salad with chicken and avocado with homemade dressing
  • Dinner:

    • Salmon cakes (Chicken of the Sea Pink Salmon) topped with an avocado mayo
    • baked sweet potato fries (1/2 potato)
  • Snacks:
    • Boar's Head buffalo chicken
    • cantaloupe
    • homemade applesauce
    • bit of banana
    • 2 wedges of a mandarin orange
  • practiced double unders until I was all sweaty, and did one set of 45# snatches
  • 8 hours, but was awoken by alarm clock at 6am before hitting snooze - could have slept more!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Day 24 of 2nd Whole30/Strict Paleo Challenge

So, yeah, I bought those Oly lifting shoes. Could not pass up the deal - they're usually $150, and I got them for only $93! They must have been last year's model or something - I'll take it! Now I just have to wait an eternal 5 days until they are shipped to my local Lady Foot Locker (got free shipping that way). 

Wednesdays used to be my second day off of the week, when I could just hang out with my kids and do fun stuff (and maybe some chores around the house). Then, last summer,  my boss asked me to start working 4 hours on Wednesdays. I begrudgingly agreed provided I didn't have to start until we got back from our Disney trip in late September. Despite it only being a 4-hour day instead of a full day, it has not possibly become my most crappy, rushed day of the week. It's been 5 months now, and I still can't get used to it - I really miss having that extra day to run errands and clean. Now, I usually have just enough time to get the kids off to school, catch the 9:30 WOD, get to work around 11, work until 3ish, get my daughter off the bus and pick up my son at preschool, bring them both to my daughter's gymnastics class at 5, and then come home for dinner. Exhausting enough on a regular Wednesday. But today was extra craptacular because I had to go to our office that's 90 minutes away instead of my regular office that's only 30 mins away, and then had 2 appts in the evening. So, I had to arrange (and pay extra) for after school care for my daughter, and get the hubby to do the gymnastics run so I could do all the following craziness:

  • 6am: Woke to alarm and left my sleeping babies in the warm bed so I could prep lunches for all of us and clean the kitchen
  • 8:30: Dropped my son off at daycare
  • 8:45: Waited at the bus stop with my daughter
  • 9am: WOD - So nice to have my sister back from her vacation (got a pic of us in our t-shirts from the nice guy who donated 2 months of CrossFit to her - now we are walking billboards)! We did another round of the Wendler WOD for shoulder presses - the last round is getting heavier - maxed out at 4 reps this time! Then we did a metcon of 20 55# push presses (I did RX with no breaks!), and then it was supposed to be 20 burpee/pull-ups, but I did 20 burpees (no breaks!), and then climbed onto a box and did 20 jumping pull-ups (had to take some rests there). Then we repeated the sequence doing only 10 reps. I was pretty pleased with my time. Then I finished with some double under practice and FINALLY got a good string of 17! FINALLY! Have to remember to just hold the very ends of the rope - that seems to work best for me.
  • 10:10: Hop in the shower and get dressed
  • 10:50: Blood test for functional practitioner appt coming up next week. Got cholesterol, thyroid, and D tested since we tweaked my supplements for those.
  • 11:15: Gassed up the car - it was crazy empty - fit almost 18.5 gallons in!
  • 11:30: Headed out to our office in Westwood, MA to do some testing that would take all of 30 minutes. Frustrating that I had to drive all the way there to do it. Made myself some little turkey wraps so that I could eat them while driving. Save the one avocado slice that slipped out and slithered down my coat onto my pants leaving a green streak behind, it was a successful, tasty lunch on the road.
  • 1:00: arrive at Westwood - at least my testing went well, and then ended up hanging around for a little while
  • 3:00: left Westwood office and drove to the Walpole office to do more testing...all for nothing since the test couldn't be completed. Frustrating. 
  • 4:00: left Walpole and had incredible luck with traffic during rush hour, passing 2 accidents that were holding up all kinds of traffic
  • 5:40: arrived at PT appointment early in hopes they could see me early - and they did! Did some balance-type exercises while standing on my right leg to work all the little muscles around my knee, hip, and ankle, then got some ultrasound on the sore spot. Hips got tired from all that work.
  • 6:43: left for chiro appt that's 20 mins away
  • 7:02: chiro appt - she said my hip alignment still looked pretty good (a lot better then when I first saw her!). Did a minor adjustment to hips/lower back, and cracked my ankles again. Short and sweet. I mentioned how I've been making a conscious effort to sit straight at my desk, and my left hip is KILLING me from doing that by the end of the day! It will take some time to readjust now... 
  • 7:50: finally got home
  • 9:45: got into bed and read a a little bit/caught up on Facebook

Ugh, what a day. Ended up spending over 4 hours driving around in my minivan (good thing I love my minivan!). My 4 hour work day turned into 6 hours including all the driving. At least I can knock off a couple hours early later this week then. 

Despite all the craziness, I still had a good nutrition day thanks to some good planning. I never got a real dinner in though, but I really wasn't hungry when I got home, so I decided to skip it. Might need a good snack in the morning before my WOD though!

Our coach got a nice pic of the 4 of us who rocked the 9am WOD today. :) 

Food: 1350 calories  22% carbs (73g)/ 32% (108g) protein/ 46% fat
  • -
  • Breakfast: 
    • 2 eggs
    • 3 Jones sausage patty sauteed in a little coconut oil
  • Lunch: 
    • Boar's Head Cajun turkey roll-ups with avocado, red bell pepper and lettuce
  • Dinner:

    • Boar's head chicken 
    • mixed berries
  • Snacks:
    • post-WOD shake with banana
    • mandarin orange
    • a few licks of Sunbutter
  • CrossFit Wendler shoulder presses and 5 minute metcon
  • nice 8 hours, but was awoken by alarm clock at 6am

Monday, February 24, 2014

Day 22 of 2nd Whole30/Strict Paleo Challenge

The scale was a tease this morning, but it finally rewarded me with a return to 189.5 - so, back, where I was a week ago Thursday. Now to get down further into those 180s!
really really want these -
definitely treating myself 
when I get my bonus

Slept like crap last night. Got to bed late because I was finishing up our taxes (very torn about TurboTax's option to get part of the rebate as an gift card since Amazon would give you an extra 10% - had to contemplate buying some Oly lifters with that bonus cash! But didn't...some day...). Then woke up at 2:30, meaning I'm stressed about something - this time it's a bunch of crappy issues at work that are out of my control, but I'm still responsible to resolve. UGH. So, finally got up and shot out a bunch of emails that made me feel better enough to be able to go back to sleep around 4. Then snuggled with the kids until 7ish. And then TOTALLY took a nap with my son in the afternoon. 

Despite the crappy night of sleep, I still had perfect nutrition today. Yay! So glad all the cravings are gone - sure does make it easier. I even went to CVS to get a refill on my anti-inflammatories for my knee, and I wasn't even tempted to but a bag of gummi bears (my weakness).

Glad today was a rest/grow day. My knees were bugging me, partially because my hammies are really tight and sore from all the deadlifting on Saturday. Growing! So I just did a lot of stretching - while folding laundry, while watching my son at gymnastics, while watching the kids at swim lessons, while standing in line at CVS...felt a lot better each time, until they tightened up again. I had delusions of going for a jog on the treadmill while my kids had their swim lessons at the Y, but that was NOT happening. 

Food: 1814 calories  15% carbs (70g)/ 24% (107g) protein/ 61% fat
  • -
  • Breakfast: 
    • 2 eggs
    • 3 Jones sausage patty sauteed in a little bacon fat
  • Lunch: 
    • big salad with a chicken, veggies, avocado, and homemade EVOO balsamic dressing
  • Dinner:

    • big bone-in pork chop
    • sauteed asparagus with applesauce/onion/bacon topping
    • homemade sugar-free applesauce
  • Snacks:
    • a couple strips of homemade beef jerky
    • mandarin orange
    • baby carrots
    • shared a banana with my son
    • a few licks of Sunbutter
  • rest/grow day
  • REALLY crappy. About 3.5 hours, then woke up, then finally got maybe 2 hours. Then took a 2 hour nap with my son.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Day 21 of 2nd Whole30/Strict Paleo Challenge

Okay, I'm back. Got lazy about tracking and blogging last week. I blame being bummed that my little date night on Valentine's Day seemed to have put the breaks on all my good progress. Here it is, a week later, and I'm still up half 1.5 pounds from my all-time low of 189.5 10 days ago. :( 

I haven't been hideously bad all week, but I haven't been perfect either (ended up having a couple margaritas on Thursday and Friday too, although I tried to make them somewhat better my adding mango coconut water instead of sour mix...). I was crazy craving sweets early in the week - not sure if it was PMS or what... I'm pretty sure I had a gluten exposure from the tortilla chips on Friday night - maybe that contributed to the cravings. My stomach felt HUGE for a few days. I took a picture a few nights ago, and another this morning, and there is a major difference. I swear I looked a few months pregnant! My body retains water SO easily these days. Although despite some bloating, I felt pretty good in this cute new SIZE 12 sweater dress I bought (for $12 on clearance!) when we went out Thursday night!

Had some good WODs this week after taking 2 "grow" days in a row on Sun & Mon. Had a little "snow WOD" one night after work - had to clear the driveway before my hubby got home so his little car could get in! On Tuesday, the coach called me out for not using a 53# kettle bell in a metcon - so I did. That was really heavy. Wednesday: 100 BURPEES FOR TIME!!! Ugh, that was a killer. Made it in just under 10 mins though. On Friday night, we had the inaugural "Ladies' Night" WOD - only for ladies, coached by ladies. It was a fun team WOD, and I partnered up with someone I hadn't met before. Before the partner WOD started, we had to choose one exercise from a list to do for 5 minutes. I chose double unders since I really need to get my rhythm back before Festivus! In 5 minutes, I only got a very frustrating 38. Aaaargh!!! Then, for the partner WOD, we did the following. It was pretty exhausting! We didn't win since we chose somewhat later weights for everything (my partner was on the more petite side, but strong!), but we did pretty well. And then the potluck and drinking began. :) 

  • 70# farmer carries (apiece)
  • 100 ground to overhead with 55# bar (I did lots of snatches, and my partner did some snatches and clean & jerks)
  • 70# farmer carries (apiece)
  • 21/15/9 couplets of thrusters then 26# KB swings
  • 70# farmer carries (apiece)
  • 55# OHS while the partner is rowing
  • 70# farmer carries (apiece)

On Saturday, I made up my Wendler Strength program deadlifts with some of the other girls. This time, I worked my way up to 200 pounds and cranked out 10 reps (and still had enough in the tank for a couple more). And then, on Sunday, I went back to the box where we had ladies night since I left my beloved water bottle there. And it was a strict metcon there - 3 rounds of 10 strict pull-ups followed by 2 mins max meters rowing, then 3 rounds of 10 push-ups and 2 min max burpees. Ugh.  But at least I finally got to meet the guy who donated 2 months of CrossFit membership to my sister in exchange for wearing t-shirts advertising his business. Now we have our shirts, and are ready to be walking billboards!

So, back on the strict bandwagon for the next couple weeks until I go away for my ladies' weekend with some coworkers on March 7. Only a couple weeks away!!! Want to drop a pound or 2 by then!

 Food: 1867 calories  18% carbs (84g)/ 28% (128g) protein/ 54% fat
  • -
  • Breakfast: 
    • 2 eggs
    • 1 Jones sausage patty sauteed in a little coconut oil
  • Lunch: 
    • big salad with a grassfed burger sauteed in coconut oil, veggies, avocado, and homemade EVOO balsamic dressing
  • Dinner:

    • swiss steak
  • Snacks:
    • post-WOD shake with banana
    • small handful of blueberries
    • baby carrots with guacamole dip
    • shared an apple with my son
  • CrossFit metcon
  • Solid 8 hours

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Day 14 of 2nd Whole30/Strict Paleo Challenge

I normally do a WOD on Sundays, but last night, I decided my body needed a break. I've been sore in some place or another since waking up with crazy sore abs on Wednesday. Then added crazy sore quads on Thursday, and then crazy sore forearms last night and today from Friday's & Saturday's WODs. My abs are FINALLY better today, and my quads are ALMOST all better, but my arms are still sore. It was a good day for a grow day, especially since today's WOD was more pull-ups which would have killed my forearms further.

Today I saw a friend of mine who's a chiropractor about the muscle imbalance in my legs that is causing me problems in my left IT band when I jog. She said my hips were very off-balance - the right side was much higher than the left. And my ankles were very stiff. So, she did lots of massage on my legs, and adjustments on my hips and ankles (I was not expecting that first huge POP from my ankle!). When she was done, she said my hips looked much more even (and felt a bit looser), and I had so much more flexibility in my ankles that I just wanted to keep doing circles with my feet in the air! She said I may have thrown things out of whack by always carrying the kids on my left hip for so long. I also mentioned that I don't tend to sit straight ahead at work, so she said that I should make a conscious effort to do so. I'll go back for a follow-up adjustment in a couple weeks. 

My knee has been bugging me a little today. I guess I pushed it a little too far with all the squats yesterday, even though I stopped doing squats before they got really heavy. Maybe it was those headcutters - I was getting pretty beat by them!

I went to a couple stores today looking for a skirt to wear with my brown boots. Doesn't seem to be brown skirt season. But I ended up finding a cute sweater dress at Dress Barn and got it for only $12.50! It was on the 60% off rack, and then I had a 30% off coupon! And, best of all, it was only a medium! :) Looking forward to wearing it Thursday night - celebrating a friend's birthday. Not sure I can resist a drink that night either...UGH. I am going to pass on wings though - don't want any gluten cross-contamination! 

Food: 1930 calories  19% carbs (93g)/ 21% (103g) protein/ 60% fat
  • -
  • Breakfast: 
    • 3 eggs
    • 2 Jones sausage
    • sweet potato hash
  • Lunch: 
    • big salad with chicken, veggies, avocado, and homemade EVOO balsamic dressing
  • Dinner:
  • Snacks:
    • 2 pieces of Orbit BubbleMint to get rid of my onion breath from my salad
    • a couple spoonfuls of SunButter
    • some pepperoni (the bad kind)
  • grow day with some sledding with the kids
  • Heavenly 9 hours :)

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Day 13 of 2nd Whole30/Strict Paleo Challenge

 Well, didn't wake up too much worse for the wear after last night's Valentine's date splurging. The scale was not my friend though - up 2 from Thursday. Boo. Time to get back on track and keep moving forward!

Brian and I decided to repent by doing the Oly class and WOD back-to-back today. Two full hours of CrossFit. Haven't done that in a while, and we were beat afterward! 

At the Oly class, we did snatches with full squat - did full squats using just 55# so I didn't kill my knee, and it felt pretty good. Then we did 5 sets of 2 clean & jerk complexes @ 90# - we were supposed to squat, but I did power. 

Then, onto the WOD. Finally got to do a partner WOD with Brian. :) 
In Teams of 2: 1 athlete working at a time. May switch out as they like. 
  • 2K Row 
  • 100 Box Jump 24/20"
  • 100 Burpees 
  • 100 Kettle Bell HeadCutter 35/23# 
  • 2K Row
It was a killer! We split up the rows by doing 500m/apiece. The box jumps didn't seem to bug my knee, and I was able to bang out 15-20/turn before turning the box on end so Brian could do his 24" jumps - luck guy! As expected, the burpees sucked - we both did 15-20/turn to power through them. The kettle bell headcutters sucked the most though. I went lighter on the kettlebell with all the squatting to spare my knee, and it still sucked. I could only do like 5 at a time before my quads were spent (they are still a little sore from 128 wall balls on Wed!), so Brian carried us through that one a bit (although more than 8 at a lime killed him too!). The final 2000m row sucked since we were both so spent from the headcutters, but we both still powered through and finished in just over 38 mins (best time for a guy/girl duo!). 

My eating was right back on track today without any cravings or anything, which was good. Ended up fasting until 10:30 - didn't wake up hungry for a pre-WOD snack, and ended up just skipping breakfast after having my post-WOD shake at 10:30. I spotted 4 packs of Nature's Promise antibiotic-free chicken that was 30% off (score!) at Stop & Shop, so I sauteed up some fresh chicken for a salad for lunch (my last couple salads used chicken that I dug out of the freezer from months ago). Then Brian made a delicious beef stir-fry for dinner. 

Food: 1700 calories  17% carbs (73g)/ 24% (100g) protein/ 59% fat
  • -
  • Breakfast: 
    • post-WOD shake
  • Lunch: 
    • big salad with chicken, veggies, avocado, and homemade EVOO balsamic dressing
  • Dinner:
  • Snacks:
    • baby carrots
    • dessert shake with frozen banana
  • CrossFit Oly class followed by a WOD class - whew!!!!
  • ~6 hours overnight, and then a 2 hour nap with my son. Ahhhh....

Day 12 of 2nd Whole30/Strict Paleo Challenge

Ouch. Sorry, Whole 30.

The day started out well... Great WOD - I was the only one to brave the blizzard for the 5:30am class, so I got one-on-one training! Started another cycle of the Wendler Strength Program for deadlifts, and got all 10 reps on my last set of 190#. Then I did a waterfall of 90# power cleans followed by pull-ups (10 of each, then 9 of each, on down to 1 of each) using a green & purple band (could only manage 2-3 reps at a time, eventually). Man, did rounds 9-6 suck. Started getting a little easier at 5...I was beat. 

I asked my coach whether he thinks I should compete at Festivus as a Novice or Intermediate since I am probably on the stronger side of a Novice by now, and I am capable of doing all the WODs as an intermediate with the exception of a solid 2 minutes of double unders (novice would do single unders). Ever since my first Festivus (just 3 weeks into starting CrossFit!), I'd been planning to do Novice again and kick ass! They have criteria that can give you guidance about which division you should enter, and I do not meet any of intermediate criteria (ability to do >5 unassisted pull-ups, deadlift 2x my bodyweight, run <10-min mile, use Rx for most WODs). But I will have been doing CrossFit just shy of 7 months, and the guideline for novices is up to 6... However, my coach thinks I SHOULD do intermediate. I'm very torn. I'd like to do novice and do a really great job, finishing toward the top of the heap. With intermediate, I'd land at the bottom of the list again. :( I've got a couple months to decide...might see what some of my Boxmates will do... 

So, I had a perfectly healthy Whole30 kind of day...until dinner. It was Valentine's Day, and Brian and I got to go on a real date: dinner and then see Alton Brown's Tour. I'd been waffling about whether I'd allow myself to enjoy some drinks and non-Whole30 food all week...and I ended up indulging. Might have gone a LITTLE overboard with the drinks. But, I THOROUGHLY enjoyed every sip of them, and such a nice date with my hubby. We had dinner at our favorite Mexican place near work (where the first margarita was strong, and second one was ever STRONGER - we split that one). We both grabbed a drink at the show (at $10/pop - ouch!), and then we had a little nightcap at our favorite Mexican place near home (we kinda like good margaritas). It was a wonderful evening - no regrets!

Food: ??? calories  ??? pretty safe to say it was over 100g of carbs though... 
  • -
  • Breakfast: 
    • homemade sausage
    • 1/2 grapefruit
  • Lunch: 
    • big salad with chicken, veggies, avocado, and homemade EVOO balsamic dressing
  • Dinner:
    • Chili Verde with coleslaw (no rice or beans)
    • chips & salsa & small guac
    • 2 margaritas
  • Snacks:
    • shake
    • mixed berries
    • some slices of Boar's Head EverRoast Chicken
    • some homemade beef jerky
    • gin & tonic
    • chips & salsa
    • some of a 3rd margarita
  • CrossFit
  • 7 hours

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Day 11 of 2nd Whole30/Strict Paleo Challenge

BIG DAY TODAY! 189.5!!! MADE IT INTO THE 180s!!!! Wow. I haven't seen the 180s since a brief period of time during my junior year of high school when I simply didn't feel like eating much for a few months. I dropped like 60 pounds in that short period of time, but I also passed out at work more than a couple times. Low blood sugar, you think?! Once I got my appetite back, the 180s were a thing of the past. Hoping to make the 180s a thing of the past again this year, only the other way - I want to get into the 170s and never look back!

I was planning to do a WOD this morning, but my body told me to take a day off. My abs were STILL on fire from 150 sit-ups on Saturday and some hanging knee raises on Sunday) - they woke me up every time I turned over throughout the night. At one point during the day, I had to sneeze, and cut off the sneeze mid way because I was in shock about how much it killed my abs to sneeze! And my quads were still sore to the touch and very stiff  from 128 wall balls on Sunday. Even though I didn't work out, I had a protein shake since I figured my body needed the protein to rebuild. My stretches felt really good that night.

I ended up telecommuting today since we had yet another snow storm. Days like this are dangerous - sitting at the table by the kitchen all day, bored with many tempting things only steps away. Brian telecommuted too, and was kind enough to bake us up some bacon while I whipped up some scrambled eggs with veggies. And I made a nice salad for lunch. Bri and I kind of kept each other in check, but the gummi bears on top of the fridge finally got the best of me - at least I only had a couple though. And then we went to dinner at Brian's folks' house. His mom prepared another great Paleo dinner for us - she's being so great about accommodating our diet (it helps that she's trying to follow it too!). I indulged in a little ketchup on my meatloaf, and probably helped myself to more baked sweet potatoes with bacon than I should have, but they were so sweet and delicious.

So, I'm finding that I'm not nearly as strict on this Whole30 as I was in August. However, given the results I've seen so far, it doesn't seem to be hurting me... 10 pounds in 10 days is insane! Except I really need to make sure that little, tiny, calculated cheats don't slowly snowball into bigger, mindless cheats... That had definitely begun happening over the holidays. Gotta keep that reined in. Thanks to the 2 sweet treats I had today, I ended up going over my carb limit. Those treats were a really fast, stupid way to have 22 empty carbs. Dangerous.

Food: 1868 calories  27% carbs (113g)/ 31% (126g) protein/ 42% fat
  • -
  • Breakfast: 
    • 2 scrambled eggs with veggies sauteed in coconut oil
    • BACON!
  • Lunch: 
    • big salad with chicken, veggies, avocado, and homemade EVOO balsamic dressing
  • Dinner:
    • Paleo meatloaf with a little ketchup
    • baked sweet potato wedges with cinnamon and bacon - YUM!
    • green beans
    • a few kernels of corn off my kids' plates (mmmm, so sweet)
  • Snacks:
    • shake with banana
    • mandarin orange
    • some Boar's Head Cajun turkey
    • treats - a few gummi bears and a Peeps Valentine's heart
  • rest day - very sore from weekend's workouts
  • ~8 hours. Woke up at 4, then turned off alarm and went back to sleep until 7.